Liz watched the Beastkind walk away. She knew that there were slave that would have tried to escape. Especially if they didn't have a slave brand. But the fact that only a collar marked her as a slave she didn't try to run. Not because she didn't think that the beast could follow her. She was sure he could. But she knew she would never survive long out here alone. She know nothing about the wilderness. Not wanting to stand around Liz climbed down from the cart. It wasn't as easy as she thought it would be but she managed. She looked round. Not knowing how long her owner would be gone she didn't want to go. She didn't want him angry at her for not being where she was supposed to be. She also didn't want to get lost and keeping the horse in sight seemed the best way to do that. She gathered herbs that were close to the wagon just in case she needed them. She found the activity calming. She knew she was lucky that this beastkind was her owner. He was alittle rough but he wasn't as bad as some of the owners she had seen. Atleast he didn't seem interested in her beyond needing help getting into places where he couldn't go alone. That knowledge helped calm her fears. She would help however she could when it came to rescuing his kids but that was about all she felt she had to offer him.