As the stranger placed his hand on her back, Isolde's first instinct was to jump away. However, after a moment passed, her panic subsided and he removed his hand - as if the touch had been accidental. She looked over at him as he spoke. It had been no accident, then. Although it was strange of him, she felt it necessary to acknowledge the kindness [b]"I...,"[/b] she started, unsure of what to say, [b]"better, thank you."[/b] She may have spoke more, but the gathering had begun and an official-looking man was addressing the crowd about the attack on Arngrim. It quickly became clear that the official would not be telling the truth of the attack - he says it was insignificant and no lives were lost, but Isolde knew that was utterly false. She clenched her fists. She had been taught all her life to keep her mouth shut but she was struggling to do so at this moment. It seemed like an injustice for the government to ignore what had actually happened, and even more so to be so disrespectful when refugees were likely already present. The calm that had overwhelmed her after the stranger had helped her, somehow, was quickly turning to anger during the speech. The rapid emotional swings were almost overwhelming for Isolde. She stood up, fists clenched at her sides, and began walking closer to the podium. She was prepared to speak her mind about these lies.