[hider=tl;dr - Hai gaiz, I'm baaaaaaaack :3c] [b][i][center][u][/u]Somewhere in the cold darkness. . .[/center][/i][/b] A single water droplet formed on a spire of rock on the cavern ceiling above. Slowly did it trail and travel along its downward point, its path random and erratic as it traced its way. The moisture coalescing at the very tip of the rock spire until gravity did its faithful duty. Pulling the wet bead towards the ground below where it spattered with a faint. . . [i]Drip.[/i] The sound echoed and resonated from within the darkness. Its noise amplified by its environment as it bounced through the airwaves. A pair of faunus ears twitched at the sound. Rousing their owner from their rest. A single eye slowly fluttered open. Its vision adjusted to the blackness. [i]Drip.[/i] The faunus lay there, staring at the abyss. Watching as more water droplets formed and fell to the earth in its line of sight. Its mind eventually warming up enough, the faunus went to move albeit slowly. [i]Drip.[/i] A sharp stab of pain gripped the faunus, stealing its breath from it as it recoiled. Gritting its teeth as it bared its fangs at nothing, the faunus sucked in a sudden gasp of air as its face scrunched from whatever unknown injury. Hissing angrily, the faunus reached out with its hand and sank its claws into dirt. Clutching a fistful of dirt as it pulled itself to a better position, so as it could determine its current situation. Clothing loudly rustling from the friction of being rubbed and scratched against the floor. As it worked its way into some sort of stance, its bones creaked as they protested any motion. Muscles burned like fire as they internally screamed at their owner for daring to move. The faunus' body felt heavy, devoid of strength, drained of energy. But, its will and determination alone kept it moving. First from laying to kneeling. Now, to stand. [i]Drip.[/i] With a heavy [i]thud[/i] the faunus practically stomped on the ground as it planted one firm foot in retaliation of its body's complaints. A small cloud of dust kicked up from the action, accidentally inhaled by the faunus. Forcing a few strained coughs from the faunus. Shaking its head as if to shoo away the irritating dust, the faunus planted its other foot and fought against the forces of gravity that teased water droplets to wake slumbering Faunus. With a stumble and a step, the faunus righted itself but had to clutch at its head. Such a simple motion and action shouldn't have been so challenging, and yet so it was. The faunus' heart thumped and beat hard in its chest. Blood roaring loudly in the faunus' veins and ears as if it were their first time doing so in a long while. The faunus felt ill, dizzy. Pain still seized the faunus tightly in its clutches. [i]Drip.[/i] Breathing hard and labored, the faunus' mind began to race as it blinked through the mysterious pain. Questions arose in between blinks. Who was it? Where was it? How did it get here? When? Why? As these questions and more sped through the faunus' mental raceways, the faunus turned about within the darkness to gain its bearings. A thin sheen of nervous sweat coated the faunus' body, the darkness leeching its body heat and chilling its skin until cold. A wispy cloud of white breath leaving the faunus' parted lips. [i]Drip.[/i] A sudden bout of nausea rocked the faunus as it hunched over, stumbling. Its tail swinging and swaying behind it was its saving grace. Preventing a nasty fall. As it recovered, the faunus grit its teeth once more and shook its head. [i]"Think."[/i] the faunus told itself [i]"Think!"[/i] Focusing, the faunus steadied its breathing as it opened both of its apparently shut eyes. Staring at a spot on the ground as the faunus' breathing slowed, calming down. A name and a thought crossed through the fog of its memory. Eyes giving off a faint golden glow in the dark. [i]"My name is Shiro."[/i] The faunus boy recalled. [i]"And I'm back."[/i] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/4e/78/34/4e78344c708a920ba5766ba29cddd805--boys.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider]