[center][b]Main Floor[/b][/center] [@Hekazu ] Seltak stepped out of a side room with another man, well dressed in his 3 piece suit. Looking the man in the eye, he shook his hand and bid him goodbye. The business deal had gone well, another satisfied client. Of course, exposing a cheating wife wasn’t nearly as exciting as one would think. Usually the culprit was the client’s best friend or neighbor, and usually there was enough digital evidence to be found within a few days. He rarely even needed to use his nanites for these small jobs. Problem was, there wasn’t anyone calling to ask for big jobs. So he was forced to either take the low paying easy jobs, or become a farmer. Walking up to the bar, he noticed a few drunks harassing a woman, who happened to be looking for work. While he wasn’t hurting for money, neither was he looking to hire out what he did have. Since she didn't seem to be in any stress, he moved on. Not that he had the ability to really do anything anyway. Moving towards the other end of the bar, there was only two seats left open, both near a very large statue. Not sure if it was robotic or not, Seltak took a seat, leaving one seat between him and the tin man. The bartender had just delivered the man’s drink, allowing Seltak to order his. “I’ll take a beer, keep it in the glass. “ The bartender nodded and went about its work. Pulling out his small personal computer, he started looking through his upcoming contracts. Not to his surprise, no new requests had come in, leaving a nice blank screen to greet him. It was interesting that he could still communicate with the net while in this reality, however, his nanites inside never responded. He had tried long ago to hack into this virtual reality, but the creators were far beyond his technical abilities. The feeling of him without his nanites used to make him feel uncomfortable. Now he just went about his business.