[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Vkv7TqX.png[/img][/center] Old man Maroon was irritable as usual. No matter, Trey was done at this point, the old man was doing his business and Trey had the money to pay the master of the forge. Plus he was talking to Ginto now; a far more pleasant task than exchanging verbal disagreements with Maroon. Dressed smartly in the two-piece suit as always, Ginto looked well. Well... enough for a Huntsman at least. Trey had to admit, the decision to replace all her clothes overnight with her current style was a fairly brilliant idea. [color=gold]“I’d tell you off, but those were good bikinis. If only you wore one, too…”[/color] Trey weakly laughed at her note. She always was terrible at making comebacks or telling jokes. He supposed some things never changed. [color=gold]“It really is good to see you again, Trey. It’s been far too long since I saw a familiar face. What are you doing here, anyway? A job or a particular favouritism to this shop?”[/color] Ginto looked awkward. Trey swore she was almost fidgeting in that suit of hers. Clearly she wasn't sure what she was supposed to do with her arms. He sighed a little and put on a pair of gloves he pulled out from his pockets. They'd serve to keep his exposed prosthetic fingers covered in the presence of others. [color=orange]"Been done with my last job. Didn't have too much to do afterwards so I figured I'd visit the town to get a general diagnostics. Had a few ideas for some upgrades, had to take apart my right arm... again, Coil Gun as usual was half ruined, you know... the usual."[/color] Trey finished sliding his hands into the gloves. And before Ginto could object, he stepped in to hug his friend. [color=orange]"Good to see you too."[/color]