[center] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/be/c6/b2/bec6b294774bb3118799cf5e25e616cd--digital-paintings-digital-art.jpg[/img] [h1][color=D4F0FF] Bodil Bera [/color][/h1] [hider=Excuuuuuse You] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5rt0XAKl0A[/youtube][/hider] [/center] [hr][hr] [center] Bodil apparently was some one-dimensional annoyance, not only to the fox but to her fellow humans. Like she couldn't see the looks. She wasn't blind. She had eyes. She saw their faces, the looks of incredulity and annoyance. Like they all wanted to be here or something. Fine. She didn't need to make friends and she could care less about these wimps. But when someone got kidnapped it should be shouted from the top of [i]someone's[/i] lungs that it friggin' happened. Every life mattered. Not that the sentiment was shared apparently. Seemed like everyone was just all too happy to sit there idel and faking their innocence. No one care till it was them. But Bodil refused to keep quiet about something horrible. Apologieees, rude cowards, but [i]someone[/i] should say something, not just look the other way like a gang of kids watching a bully terrorize someone else. The fox didn't seem to appreciate her pointing out his shortcomings though. In fact, one moment she was standing the next she was out of breath and in dizzying pain slumped against a wall. But she didn't [b]fall[/b]. No, she kept her bent legs up, pressing her back against the wall with a stubborn will. Maybe her head was bowed, but she [b]wasn't[/b] on the ground. [i][b]Bastard.[/b][/i] "As if I touched a disgusting thing like you on purpose," She glared with gritted teeth at the arrogant and stupid fox. "...The fewer slaves your people have, the more they have to work," Bodil scoffed, a growl in her voice, "You think you'd take care of your stock. I was merely pointing out something of use to you like a good little pet." Hah. Of course, they didn't take care or spend any attention on anything. They didn't even have enough common sense to take care of themselves or their own people. "One loose brick brings down the house," she grumbled, but then seemed to realize that thought, "Though this place looks half collapsed already." Yeah, these creatures were destroying themselves. Everything they had seen was a slum, crumbling and decaying. These sloppy creatures... Why should she help them? Why should she even help the humans she had come with? They were just like the Fae here, only caring about themselves. Bodil smacked his hands away from her as he tried to manhandle her. "Ah, what place is that?" she chuckled, slowly peeling herself from the wall, "Even the life of a Fae in this place has no value. Everyone's life means nothing here. You don't even know the difference between a demand and a warning." Because she hadn't made a demand, though her voice was strong when upset. She had just made a warning that applied to him specifically. A very detailed warning with possible distasteful outcomes for the Fox. And he was choosing to ignore it. Ah, but it still made no sense. Why should the Fae care if the badmouthed woman hissed with venom or if one of the girls got slapped around by a man? These twisted creatures killed and maimed for so much less. They couldn't decide on anything, could they? Why protect things you were so ready to kill and maim? No wonder they couldn't keep their own kingdom together. "And I hope you can create dreams, Fox, since that seems to be your leisure," Bodil tilted her head back, chin up and a slight smile on her face. Foolish creatures without order and were falling apart. This place was nothing more than a giant lair of gangsters and thugs, she could see that as plain as day. Everything was ugly and revolting. If she and the others were going to die, she was glad for it. It would mean these stupid Fae were doomed too. "Why is slave work needed, I wonder, if nothing is progressing here at all," she murmured to herself with a ghost of a grin and bright eyes, "Everything crumbling, decaying, falling apart..." Rubbing her arm, she spoke more to herself now, but knew he'd probably be listening anyway. His ears seemed to tick about like satellites. He could listen if he liked, but she would be ignoring from now on. And even if he did enter any supposed dreams she might or might not have, she'd ignore him still. Bodil was quite stubborn, if that wasn't a known fact already. Still, other humans gave her long looks and that Japanese guy even shook his head at her. Like he was doing anything productive. He was just another person who watched others suffering and did nothing about it. While Bodil didn't know he had spoken to the Spanish girl, she would have given him a scalding look for his lack of concern. After all, he knew more than more about the situation than she did, knew that the girl had gone with seedy characters, and said nothing. Perhaps he should save that high and mighty pity for himself. Ice Queen too. Was a bad attitude really worth heavy pain and suffering on the threat of death? Her pride had a high and mighty price. Bodil touched her shoulder a bit, glad to be wearing layers, but knew that she'd be black and blue for a while. Not that she minded. She had had worse. Why should she be seen as the lesser person? At least she was trying to do something. Ice Queen, the Japanese guy, all the rest of them, they were just trotting on like good little pets. Good. Maybe that would keep them alive a bit longer. If you could call the sound coming from the pits below living. Ice Queen could be [i]civil[/i] towards her masters and owners all she liked. It would probably get her beaten less and molested more. She could keep her demon 'friends' till she died like the dog they'd treat her. Now way in this revolting hell was Bodil going to stay meek and docile in slavery. Not when she had just gotten free. [/center]