[center][b] Small Council [/b][/center] The tension was palpable in the small council chambers. The group sat in silence waiting for the last of their members to arrive. Lucian sat, glaring darkly at Dromeus across the table. Dromeus held his glare, his usual stoic expression held on his face, only a faint twitching of his eyebrows to show his irritation. Lady Rosaline, Lady Thackery, and, of course, King Gustavo were all seated around the great table. The doors flew open as Commander Grux and Captain Drystan entered. Gustavo grunted audibly. "Take a seat and we can begin." He slammed his hands down on the table, quickly getting everyone's attention. He cleared his throat loudly as Drystan and Grux took their seats. "By now you have all heard. There have been a blatant attack in MY city. We've long known of the vampire problem but never have they so brazenly killed. And guards no less! This is an insult to everything we have worked so hard for. And I will not stand for it!" He pounded his fists once again against the table, causing an empty mug to jump and clatter against the hardwood. "I completely agree," Lucian snarled, his eyes still boring into Dromeus. "My guards take their duty very seriously. They have families in the city and now what am I to tell them? That their fathers were eaten alive by blood suckers? And how are we to know it wasn't the Ballanger scum that initiated the fight the night before?" "Come now, Lucian, we all know you're guards are not faultless in this matter. And no one knows who started the fight so keep your accusations to yourself. Your guards threw just as many punches as mine did. And I am just as appalled as you!" Dromeus grunted, crossing his arms tightly against his chest. "Enough!" Gustov bellowed. "This isn't about whose house guards did what. Men are dead and I have no doubt that one or more vampires are behind it. We must address this issue before any more of my citizens, who I SWORE to protect, get hurt. Grux! Haalard! Why did I agree to starting a Hunter's Guild if not for this reason?" "Sir," Grux nodded at his King. "The Hunters were hard at work yesterday and, while this new development is a tragedy, I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that they were successful in their first hunt." Gustov glanced over at Drystan who nodded. "It was, sir. We came across the beast on the Trieste isle and it's four offspring. We managed to dispatch of them as well as destroy it's nest. It's still a work in progress, but I can see real potential in the men and women who made it back." "Well there's the answer!" Dromeus chimed in. "We all agree these filthy creatures need to be eradicated, so why not have our new guild exterminate this pest! The Guild gets to build a much needed reputation and the kingdom has one less problem to worry about.” “If I may interrupt.” squeaked the Matilda, the from the other end of the table. “I mean no disrespect my lord, but I spent the better part of this morning studying those bodies, and I can tell you that those men were dead long before their necks were bitten.” she spoke with confidence, clearly and concisely, as her politician sister had taught her. “So what, you’re saying my men were killed by something other than Vampires? I thought the bite marks on the side of the neck were clear indicators…” Lucian was about start one of his famous tirades before he was silenced by Gustavo. Nodding to his trusted advisor, Gustavo listened with intent at what the young alchemist had to say. “From what I can tell, those men were viciously beaten before they were killed. We know that these men were in a bar fight, but these men look like they were trampled by two stampedes. What I’m trying to get at here, is that what or whoever did this to your men Lord Lucian, is far stronger than any man in this room.” she said, looking stern and trying to convey the severity of the situation. Surprisingly, it was Lady Rosaline who spoke up next, normally a shadow in the council meetings, she spoke with a quiet grace. “I think there is one thing everyone here has to think about. We don’t know who it was who did this or where they are hiding now? Other than question the barkeep again, what can the hunters really do for the situation?” she questioned. “I think I may have some information regarding that. I’ve caught wind that some of my personal guard have been involved with some shady underground cult of sorts. I haven't looked into it much as I thought it was nothing, but I’m afraid it looks as though I’ve overlooked a serious issue.” Dromeus explained, with a pained and sorrowful look on his face. “Wouldn’t be the first time you we’re blind to the obvious.” Lucian mumbled into his pipe with a quiet snicker.The two once again locked glares and the tension mounted, only to be broken by the King. “I’ve had damn near enough of you two old crones bickering in my council room.” The king spat angrily. “Let us all not forget, this is YOUR family rivalry now costing lives. You both act as though you are the elites of this kingdom, but in all actuality you’re no more mature than my prepubescent boy. This rivalry ends now, or I’ll see to it both your families are exiled after I have the both of you hung.” Gustavo spoke with venom and disgust in his voice. "I apologize, your grace." Dromeus shot one last look at Lucian before addressing the King in a much more agreeable manor. "You are absolutely right. I will seek out my guards who got into the tavern brawl and they will be let go immediately. I shall make it clear that these drunken fist fights are unacceptable and a fire-able offense." He cleared his throat then addressed the rest of the room. "I would also like the names of the families of the men who were killed. I want to send them my condolences. And for the time being, Haalard, send word to your hunters that a new hunt will take place soon. I will send you the details as soon as I confer with my guard captain. These murderers will not escape the King's justice, that I assure you."