[@Luna Amore] It wasn't much the fact that there was less than eight people in the class, but that they all looked so smart compared to the cowgirl, like a bunch of real scientists in their white coats, and here she was in her usual getup. Harley looked around anxiously, letting out a small whistle. [color=a187be]"Dang. Sure looks like a ghost town in here. Guess not alot of people like this science stuff. Guess cause its either too hard for them or they think science is for nerds."[/color] Suddenly, her face went red as a cherry, realizing her faux pa. [color=a187be]"Aww crap! I did not just say that out loud!"[/color] Quickly she ducked her head down covering her face with her hat. Maybe no one caught it...maybe. As soon as the teacher walked in, Harley slowly moved her hat down from her face. She was quite surprised. [i][color=a187be]Wow! She looks like a movie star! Here I was thinkin' we were gonna get some ugly, Einstein lookin' dude![/color][/i] She looked over to Natalia with a sheepish grin, whispering, [color=a187be]"So...you know alot about this science stuff, right? Do the teachers always look like runway models?"[/color] [hr] https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EJU4XI5HMak [color=f7941d]"Friend... yeah...once... I don't really care much about him anymore. Besides, he's too wrapped up in Madison, so why give a fuck?"[/color] Helena could feel it...welling within her heart and swirling about like a big black tornado. She clenched her fists, shaking in a cold, almost deafening silence, as if the entire world around her was fading out of earshot, including Amelia. [img]https://www.todaysparent.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/blob-tag.jpg[/img] [i][color=f7941d]Jason and I...we were thick as thieves when we were kids. We did everything together, playing cops and robbers, building a fort in my backyard... I never had a more true friend than him... He was...hell...he was like my brother...[/color][/i] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/31/28/6b/31286b503e0e7bff63291636aec7e94f--hairstyle-pictures-pastel-pink-hair.jpg[/img] [i][color=f7941d]Then everything changed when he met her...her...that fucking succubus! Suddenly, he quit hanging out with me. He didn't call or text me anymore. He was too busy with her...hmph...too busy fucking her, he and his fucking basketball bros! He never had time anymore for Helena! She wasn't part of the popular crowd![/color][/i] [img]https://timedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/151019_em_costoffuneral.jpg?w=720[/img] [color=f7941d][i]And then mom died... Where was he, huh? Where was he when I fucking needed him? Why wasn't he there...when I was standing beside my mom's casket...literally falling to pieces? He didn't care that I was alone now...that I lost everything... No, he had her that day![/i][/color] [img]http://www.renegadetribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Drowning-iStock-e1468499242238.jpg[/img] [i][color=f7941d]I...fucking...hate him! More than I hate her! He could have saved me, dammit! He could have been there the moment my life went to total shit, but no! He let me fucking drown in a sea of my own misery! If I could, I would grab him by his fucking throat and choke the life out of him! How could he fucking do this to me?! He left me, dammit! He fucking left me! Fuck him! FUCK EVERYONE! [h3]FUCK EVERYONE![/h3][/color][/i] The scream echoed in her mind...and the tears began to flow. She wiped them away on the sleeve of her jacket and staggered to her feet grabbing her board. [color=f7941d]"Hey...I think I'm gonna go home..."[/color] She said to Amelia; her tone was hoarse and quiet. [color=f7941d]"I'm...not feeling too good, but hey um...thanks for chatting with me I guess. If you ever wanna, ya know, hang, hit me up some time. I won't tell your friend, trust me."[/color] Giving a small salute, she hopped on her board and skated away.