[i]Almost right after she accepted her mission, she decided she needed to go purchase some sheathes for her daggers, stop at home to pack up a bag, and do a few other things before she could even think about setting out. She wondered whether she should stop by Welkins' place before heading out, figuring she might not see him in a couple of days at least. She wasn't sure how long this task would take her, but by the sounds of it, it could end up being pretty intense. She made her way to the market and found a shop which sold weapons and accessories. She browsed for a few moments before getting some [url=https://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=54609803]sheathes[/url] made to fit her thighs. Her daggers fit into them perfectly, and they were snug against her thighs. She paid for them and then took them off, making her way back home with the sheathes inside of a small cloth bag. On her way home she saw Isara walking, her head down. She looked upset and figured that Welkins had probably talked to her. Reia frowned a little, feeling guilty at the fact she might have honestly ruined their friendship. She sighed, looking at from Isara. Finally she neared her house, and she saw Welkins shortly after seeing Isara. She slowed down, figuring she would at least ask if she could stop by before she left. She shoved the folder into her book bag and looked at her daggers for a moment, approaching Welkins. [color=f6989d]"I'm just letting you know, I'll be gone out of town on a Mission for a couple of days. I saw Isara on the walk this way. She seemed upset. Is it alright if I come back later before I leave, so I can say goodbye?"[/color] When he agreed, she waved and disappeared towards her house, going inside. She decided to eat a quick dinner, and went to pack her bag. She figured she might need something to fight in, just in case, and packed a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/02/b9/b3/02b9b312989c383848be9182758e336d--anime-outfits-female-outfits.jpg]specific outfit[/url] for the job. The rest of the outfits she chose were just casual. She [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/c0/f5/60/c0f560a7d9ee1bc4c26dc987f73d2994--evening-dresses-elegant-classy-classy-black-dresses.jpg]changed[/url] into something more appropriate for the trip, and packed anything else she thought she might need. She had never met the person she would be joining up with once she arrived, but figured it would be fine. Finally once things were packed, she left the house, locking the door snugly behind her. She had her daggers sheathed to either thigh beneath her dress, and they stayed close to her skin so you wouldn't have guessed she was carrying a weapon with her, let alone two. She arrived at Welkins house just after dinner time and knocked on his door, then waited. She placed her bag down on the ground while she waited. [/i]