[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171022/35c7cba5e8367b269c4bd98485244a49.png[/img] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d2/de/8b/d2de8be78e2cd9f064ade2efe108cbb6--black-actors-single-ladies.jpg]Image[/url] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171022/c180cad5f75e32d15a2ce2ab19622922.png[/img][/center] Raphael watched the battle below from where squatted between Billy and Vickie. There was little doubt in his eyes that it was over. Vickie had moved to watch the walled town while Jain was moved inside and even William hadn't fired in several minutes. Peeling his eyes away after Daisy separated herself from the skirmish, Rafe cleared his throat. He hated the thought of doing anything to mess up either of the marksmen, still he spoke. [color=#808000]”We pack up on your call. Once your done we’ll move down the hill.[/color] Turning away from the snipers, Rafe moved back to where the scouts had fought. He noticed immediately that bodies were missing, and wondered when they left. With the various warm bodies around it was a surprise they left at all. Part of him wanted to go make sure they got put to rest, unfortunately he now had an uncomfortable situation to deal with. Alex was still with the two wounded and the others were trying to keep watch on their surroundings while dealing with what had happened. Pointing out two of the scouts, Raphael frowned realizing he’d have to try and remember their names now. [color=#808000]”Freckles, grab the hipster and make sure none of the bodies wander off. The rest of you spread out some, don’t want anyone else sneaking up on us.”[/color] Rafe watched them only long enough to make sure those he named started what he told them. Turning his eyes back down the hill, Raphael studied the surrounding hills with a frown; He was trying to recall who was placed where. The two who were hurt were the ones who were supposed to watch the angle the marauders used to approach. [color=#808000][i]Fuck,[/i][/color] he thought to himself, [color=#808000][i]I’m going to have to find out what caused this FUBAR’d situation.[/i][/color] Spinning the scout turned to face his most trusted companion. He raised a hand and made a circle with a finger followed by a fist then clapped. Athena least to her feet and started pacing the hilltop, circling just inside the other scouts positions. Raphael's faced twisted sourly as he turned to where Alex watched the living casualties. The scout’s voice matched his face, [color=#808000]“Alex soon as the marksmen clear us to move help Tweedle-dum move Tweedle-dee. Make sure her bandage is tight, ‘cause you’ll be one of her two options if she wants a bite.”[/color] Turning away from the injured Rafe raised his voice so everyone could here. [color=#808000]”Also don’t get comfortable when we get wherever we’ll be bedding down tonight. Shore leave’s been canceled. Once the docs give you a clean bill of health find me. If the Doctor puts you on bedrest it starts after you give me a note with his signature on it.”[/color] Raphael's stomach felt like a butterfly frat party. As April's scouting partner that meant it fell to him to command the scouts; At least until he died or Jain found someone better. Even while part of him wanted her to find someone better so that he could step back into the comforting shadows, Rafe knew he would need to get a list put together of the scouts and who they were partnered with. [hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171022/e785ee206011d7ee01748690afebf907.png[/img] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/03/90/c3/0390c3009adfd957d9ce69fdd440bf90.jpg]Image[/url] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171022/e0e95c16c160daa7bce8fafee7f71434.png[/img][/center] William gave an acknowledging grunt at Raphael's words. He heard the man’s words but his attention was focused elsewhere. The marksmen was eyeing a target in the skirmish below; The shot was perfectly lined up, all he had to do was squeeze the trigger. He waited however, counting as the seconds passed. As he watched a Lasthope trooper passed through the crosshair, blocking the target. [color=#FFA500]“No shot,”[/color] Billy said, [color=#FFA500]“There’s too much noise in the sights.”[/color] He pulled his eye away from the scope and turned to Vicky. [color=#FFA500]“I tagged a runner; Looked like the leader.”[/color] He paused in thought, [color=#FFA500]“With what happened, we’d be best shot to find him. Are you up for a little hunt?”[/color] At Vicky’s nod Billy collapsed the bipod, and backed away from his final firing position before getting into a crouch. He moved further back before standing straight and approaching Rafe. [color=#FFA500]“You can pack up.”[/color] The marksman started, [color=#FFA500]“Vicky and I will catch up in town. We have a line on the marauder leader, going to try to bring him in.”[/color] Raphael nodded, and extended his hand. [color=#808000]”I’ll let the boss know; Come back in one piece.”[/color] [color=#FFA500]”We plan to,”[/color] William said shaking the scouts hand. As the marksman turned back to his partner, he heard Raphael starting to round the scouts up for their journey to the town. Cradling his rifle Billy met Vicky’s eyes and said, [color=#FFA500]”I’ll show you where he was headed when I hit him.”[/color]