Mom shook her head, looking at you sadly. "I knew the day would come that you'd want to leave. It's normal for kids to grow up and move out. But I just don't see why you can't move out around here. You're not just talking about moving away, you're talking about leaving the planet! How is that staying in touch?" She had tears in her eyes now. "I won't be able to come over for coffee, just to talk. I won't be able to hold you and comfort you when you get your heart broken. I won't be able to get to know the person you'll chose to spend the rest of your life with. Not really anyways, because I will only see him every now and then from a screen. And one day you'll get me some grandkids -not for a while, because I'm not old enough to be a grandma yet, but way, WAY in the future. You'll get me grandkids who look just like you and I won't be able to see them grow and develop. "I don't want to lose you, Pria." She said almost desperately, tears pouring down her face. "I have loved seeing you grow and I want to be involved in your life, stay involved in it. I want to see how you develop into a young woman. I don't want you to come home one day and find we have nothing to talk about anymore because you've lived this whole other life I've never been part of." Mom was doing her best not to sound angry as well as sad, but she clearly felt like you were abandoning her. Like you were saying 'thanks for everything, I'll leave now and give nothing back.'