"Classic Brooklyn," Was all Mr. Jones could say. His pink eyes showed that he was close to tears, yet a little smile still remained on his face. Mrs. Jones nodded in agreement. She, too, looked as if she could cry soon. Her skinny hands wrung together as she processed everything. Losing her daughter wasn't easy. Sam losing his fiancée wasn't easy. Louis losing his mom wasn't easy. One person could mean so much to a variety of people, and in some cases, not even realize it. After a couple minutes of silence, Mrs. Autumn Jones and Mr. Rick Jones decided it was time to go. First they hugged Patty goodbye, then Mr. Jones settled to give Sam a handshake since the former was still sitting with the baby on his lap. Mrs. Jones waved to her grandson before exiting the house hand in hand with her husband. Brooklyn watched all of this, feeling upset because she couldn't say farewell to her parents. But after they were gone, it was clear that the atmosphere had become lighter. Things weren't as gloomy as they were earlier that day. Day by day for the next few days, that trend continued. The atmosphere was lifting. The biggest challenge was organizing Brooklyn's funeral. As Sam would be looking up funeral homes, his fiancée would be right there with him. This was difficult for her, too. But nothing was harder than hearing that the plans had been finalized: Brooklyn's funeral was set for January 2nd. Afterwards, her body would be cremated because it was all that could be afforded. [i]What should I do? I don't think I can return to earth if my body is burned,[/i] Brooklyn thought to herself nervously. But the excitement of tomorrow helped soothe her fears. Christmas occurred the day after the plans were finalized. From Brooklyn's perspective, it was an [i]attempt[/i] at having fun. Patty returned, although Brooklyn's parents couldn't make it. Presents were opened and music was played, although there was an unspoken damper on everything. When the presents were opened, Brooklyn wasn't there to open hers. Yet Louis was able to receive the gifts she and Sam had planned for him: a few baby books, a stuffed elephant, and, of course, the rocking horse Sam had made for him. It was the day of the funeral. Between Christmas and now, Brooklyn had met up with Sawyer a small handful of times. Those meetings were always something to pass the time with. During one particular practice flying session, Sawyer opened up about his own story: he had been married to the love of his life. Her name was Cecelia. She was his rock, Sawyer said, the one person that could always make him smile. And he was her caregiver. At a young age, Cecelia got in an accident which paralyzed her waist-down. She was stuck in a wheelchair and required assistance to shower, change clothes, etc. When Sawyer laid eyes on her for the first time, he knew he was in love. She had beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes which shone with pure hope. All Cecelia ever wanted was the best for everybody else. After meeting Sawyer, they knew they were destined for each other. Cecelia was able to fire her old caregiver, who was always cranky and demanded an unfair amount of money. Sawyer genuinely wanted to take care of her, all for free. Cecelia offered payment, but it was quickly rejected. Everything felt so right between them. They married, and Sawyer recalled that she looked like an angel as she rolled herself down the aisle. Things were going great, until a few months down the road, Sawyer suddenly got a heart attack. He passed away in front of his poor wife. Sawyer went to Levin, where he did as Brooklyn later did and begged to go back to earth. But then Dog broke the news to him: his wife committed suicide almost immediately after Sawyer's own death. The man was devastated. However, to Dog's surprise, he still desired to be sent to earth. So a deal was made: if Sawyer could save five different people's lives, he could go straight to heaven to reunite with his wife. If he never saved five lives, he would remain on earth forever. The story touched Brooklyn. She then told him about her own story- being engaged to her childhood lover, currently having an infant at home, driving to a friend's house one night and getting hit. Sawyer empathized. Sharing their stories helped them grow closer as friends. Throughout their various meetings, Brooklyn was gradually able to fly higher and higher. Now she really felt like an angel. Currently, Brooklyn sat by Louis' crib. The funeral was set to start in three hours.