[@Dynamo Frokane] Off topic, just another thing of Destiny (youtuber) being an asshole to a woman. https://twitter.com/meltonwhiz/status/931149121901289473 [quote][hider=Republicans when they heard of Bill O Reilly Allegations] [img]http://i.imgur.com/qhMbkGi.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/quote] Maybe Fox? (though that should be obvious where that comes from, it's there network.) But several ones I follow online. Not so much. https://twitter.com/scrowder/status/850148338964074496 *Cough* And here's another thing about Destiny. (this is all just in my twitter feed today/there's more there too but I think you get my point.) using the phrase "race traitor" which I'm sure shouldn't exist with [b]any[/b] context, but since this tweet might be deleted I'll just post what it says. (I don't know where you get this "disagreed with you" thing about being an uncle tom??? Are you just making this up or? "Race traitor" applied to black people usually means they advocate for anti-black positions, ie: being a Republican.) >Having a "anti-black" slightly right leaning opinion? You're a race traitor and uncle tom says Destiny. https://twitter.com/OmniDestiny/status/931055846729179136