[color=#D2B8C5]"You're serious?"[/color] Commander Botrelle asked, locking eyes with one Alchemist Sairan as others issued protest. [color=#D2B8C5]"You're [i]serious[/i], Achemist?"[/color] He did not care that she had tried to conceal his statement prior, and now several field ops, as well as their visitor were waiting in outrage to see how things were handled under her lead. Botrelle [i]would[/i] handle them. Her rouge lips turned down into a scowl, and she pushed back from the table to stand. [color=#D2B8C5]"Who here knows about this?"[/color] she demanded, her shining red nails drumming against the table. She looked from Commander Green to Alchemist Johnson, over to Kora, and back to Sairan. He was standing in for one Commander Zaide, a department head who was nowhere to be seen this morning. [color=#D2B8C5]"Has anyone heard of this from Zaide? Or anyone else, for that matter?"[/color] Perhaps Zaide was trying to shirk away from picking up Green's slack- but it did not matter. His employee had caused a stir, and it was a stir among people she had no intention of silencing. She swallowed, and shot a shallow smile toward Green. [color=#D2B8C5]"I'm afraid I'l have to ask you to conduct the remainder of this meeting, Commander. Pardon us."[/color] She smoothed her skirt down against her slender form and headed for the door with her things in hand, waving over one shoulder with a curt gesture. [color=#D2B8C5]"Knights Norrevinter and D. Elcove, would you [i]kindly[/i] escort Alchemist Sairan down the hall to my office? I wish to have a further discussion regarding his reports."[/color]