Raiya grunted a bit at the pain, but didn't cry out. She'd felt similar torture spells used by the yakuza before, and compared to her initiation into the yakuza, this was absolutely nothing. Still, though, the pain was effective enough to make Raiya recoil in Stockton's grip. Moreover, the spell she had just cast just about used up the last of her mana, which meant she wasn't able to finish the job. Raiya grunted a bit more in anger as she struggled against the grasp of her foe, which wasn't that strong, but Raiya was truly exhausted. As she struggled against the grasp, she saw them, her teammates rushing forward in an all out attack. Travis with a shotgun, and Zuri with some sort of crystal attacks. With Stockton's back turned from them and his focus on her, it was the perfect time to strike. Raiya didn't need to know the nature of Zuri's attacks to understand she was in the way and needed to move. With her teammates mobilized, Raiya shouted, [color=ec008c]"I'll leave the rest to you two!"[/color] Then Raiya dug deep down and used the rest of her remaining empowered mana to blink out of Stockton's grip. Raiya blinked to a far wall away from the fight but still in full view of it. That was when her hair and aura began to revert back to normal. She collapsed backwards, her back hitting the wall as she slid down into a supported sitting position. Raiya was tired and it would be at least a few minutes before she could move again. Raiya could only hope that her teammates had a solid plan, or that Nemo would rush to their rescue, otherwise, they were most certainly dead.