Nov 1, 2017 - Serpent's Lair - 12:36 PM Sol sways to his feet from the bar stool, cigar almost burned down, and stamps his way across the pub to Benril. Might as well mess with him while he's still alive. [color=CD5C5C]"Hey Benny, since your on short time, how 'bout you give me a discount. I'll be here for a bit so don't think too hard on it, wouldn't want your brain to catch on fire."[/color] Laughing at his own joke Solomon heads back for the bar reaching into his pocket for a few crumpled up bills. [color=CD5C5C]"I'll have the rest of my tab for you soon Drake, but another brew wouldn't hurt my feelings if your feeling generous."[/color] Waiting for the possibility of a drink he snuffs out the old cigar and slides another one out of his jacket pocket. Have to get back to work sometime soon. Money from the last job is about to dry up. Might should have just done the little girl. Shaking his head Sol smiles a weary smile, not his style.