[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170924/8fa2dee06c11b97bd9651690c5bead4d.png[/img][/center] Noticing that neither of the other two masters were jumping at the chance to accept the new card, Phillip decided to accept the card. They needed to learn more about what happened here, and who better to ask then the victim of the crime. Holding out his hand to accept the card from Seamus, he removed it from it's sealed plastic bag and held it up to get one last look at the crumpled piece of magic paper. [color=D2C165][i]Are you sure this is the wisest course of action? The man at your feet was probably corrupted into a murderer because of his card's beguiling words.[/i][/color] Not wanting to see his new master fall from grace after only knowing him for a few weeks, Richard spoke up. [color=769E9D][i]We need answers and this is the surest way to get them. I accept any consequences this may bring us.[/i][/color] With those final thoughts, Phillip brought the card to his chest, adding it to his now growing collection of servants. [color=DB7093][i]Bonjour, monsieur. I've been waiting for you.[/i][/color] The voice reeked of pompous superiority and self-importance as it spoke within the young man's mind. This was not a voice he would enjoy listening to. [color=769E9D][i]Why me specifically?[/i][/color] [color=DB7093][i]Well no, not [b]you[/b]. Just someone else who'd become so greedy for power that they'd come to me for my gifts.[/i][/color] [color=769E9D][i]Actually, I'm here for answers. If you're cooperative, I might even keep you instead of locking you inside a police evidence locker to rot away. It's probably what you deserve after the dozen or so murders you've made so far.[/i][/color] [color=DB7093][i]Hmmph. You aren't even worthy enough to hold me between your filthy fingers.[/i][/color] [color=769E9D][i]I didn't realize that being locked inside a mold filled room with no contact with any other human being for the next several decades would sound so much more appealing in comparison.[/i][/color] There was a silence within Phillip's mind for several prolonged seconds as Robespierre considered his options. [color=DB7093][i]There's not much to say. We were discussing that list my old dog of the aristocracy, that you'd refer to as a master, used to keep of all the people we planned to bring to justice before he was suddenly knocked down to the ground. I told him to activate me or otherwise be killed by our attacker, but he refused and tried to use his own power to stop her. It was a poor decision. He was stabbed and I was taken, at first to be digested by this servant class I hadn't seen before, before being spit back out.[/i][/color] [color=769E9D][i]You said you didn't recognize the class?[/i][/color] [color=DB7093][i]The sword may have suggested Saber, but the aura it gave off certainly didn't match any that I knew of.[/i][/color] [color=769E9D][i]Is there anything else you can tell me?[/i][/color] [color=DB7093][i]Just one, a name. Before she stabbed him, she gloated over her kill by telling him to reserve a seat in the afterlife. She was none other than Jeanne D'arc[/i][/color] [color=769E9D][i]That's all for now. I need to discuss these findings with the others.[/i][/color] With that, Phillip packed the new voice away in his mind, ignoring any further words he may have had for him. He turned towards Marie, Seamus, and Thomas and told them, [color=769E9D]"I know the servant's name, but not her class. Robespierre claims that they weren't among the eight known to us. However, the servant we're looking for is Joan of Arc."[/color]