Edited a few things, but Mallory is now back. [hider=Mallory][center][hr][hr][b][color=mediumpurple][h1]M A L L O R Y[/h1][/color][/b][img]http://s1.zerochan.net/Five.%28Zankyou.no.Terror%29.600.1920363.jpg[/img][b][color=mediumpurple][h1]M O R T I M E R[/h1][/color][/b][/center][hr][hr] [b][color=mediumpurple]N A M E[/color][/b]: Mallory Mortimer [b][color=mediumpurple]A P P E A R A N C E[/color][/b]: Mallory is a deathly pale young woman of 5'7, with unusual fluffy white hair and unusual lilac coloured eyes. Despite looking like a person who has never set a foot outside the shadows, Mallory is in good shape, having a reasonable amount of muscle distributed throughout her body. This does not detract from her overall ghostly appearance however, and her preference for dark and flowing clothes only seems to add to it. [b][color=mediumpurple]A G E[/color][/b]: 18 [b][color=mediumpurple]S P E C I E S[/color][/b]: Human [b][color=mediumpurple]G E N D E R[/color][/b]: Female [b][color=mediumpurple]O C C U P A T I O N[/color][/b]: Student [b][color=mediumpurple]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/color][/b] Mallory is one of the more eccentric and humurous girls in a classroom, a generally relaxed type of person who often tries not to be so uptight when it comes to handling certain situations. She's usually perceived as a minor troublemaker of sorts due to her natural curiosity towards new things and new people, but often she's just trying to have a bit of harmless fun in a world as vast as her own. Her normal laugh may sound more like a villainous cackle, and her straightforwardness can be somewhat harsh, but generally, Mallory isn't going out of her way to purposefully inflict harm on anybody. Contrary to what appears to be popular belief, Mallory isn't completely devoid of having manners or an idea of social etiquette. At first, she comes off as this confident and even friendly person with a bit of a mischievous side and a love for some witty banter between friends. But her closer classmates will know her as the sarcastic class clown who keeps people worriedly guessing with that bold and blunt attitude of hers. Despite all the negativity Mallory gets for all of this, rarely will she be shaken about the insults or grudges of others. Not that she doesn't have her much more serious and contemplative moments, but what good would it do acting so bleak and brooding all the time when there's so much to explore and experience? To her, with what little time most humans like her get on this earth, remaining hopeful for a new day or at least having some sort of goal in life is important. [indent]• [b]Openness to Experience[/b]: 70 • [b]Neuroticism[/b]: 20 • [b]Agreeableness[/b]: 30 • [b]Extroversion[/b]: 80 • [b]Conscientiousness[/b]: 50[/indent] [b][color=mediumpurple]B I O[/color][/b]: Considering the way Mallory... turned out, it can often come as a surprise that the girl had such a simple upbringing. Her parents, though gloriously witty and eccentric in nature, raised their only daughter in a healthy and generally stable household; she was a fortunate child, her family being neither rich nor poor. It was inevitable that Mallory would grow a fascination for magic at a young age, her father and mother being very successful graduates from Mordhaben themselves. Even as a little girl the whole concept of magic greatly interested her, all those stories her parents would tell developing her curiosities even further. Coupled with her latent magical abilities she discovered when she nearly caused her garden to go up in brilliant blue flames, it would also be inevitable that Mallory would enroll at Mordhaben. Although the idea of compulsory military training didn't sound as appealing at first, Mallory learned to keep an open mind about such things. This was her chance to learn even more about the powers she held, and perhaps, things that go beyond that. To improve her magic talents and expand her magical knowledge are her current goals, and Mallory is looking very much forward to doing so. [b][color=mediumpurple]A T T R I B U T E S[/color][/b]: [indent]• [b]Strength[/b]: 5 • [b]Endurance[/b]: 6 • [b]Constitution[/b]: 4 • [b]Agility (gross motor skills)[/b]: 7 • [b]Dexterity (fine motor skills)[/b]: 3 • [b]Intelligence[/b]: 4 • [b]Wisdom[/b]: 5 • [b]Charisma:[/b] 6[/indent] [b][color=mediumpurple]M A G I C T Y P E P R E F E R E N C E[/color][/b]: Heat Generation [b][color=mediumpurple]I N N A T E M A G I C T A L E N T[/color][/b]: Blue Fire Manipulation (basically, extra hot fire) [b][color=mediumpurple]I N T E R E S T S[/color][/b]: [indent]• Stargazing • Exercising • Reading • Exploring unpopulated areas • Climbing things[/indent] [b][color=mediumpurple]S K I L L S[/color][/b]: [indent]• [i]Very[/i] flexible - is quite the annoying acrobat herself • Good cook • Adept tree climber[/indent][hr][hr] [/hider]