Rachel sighed. Clearly you weren't listening. "No, all it takes is not one nice meal." She answered, a little exasparated. "There is no 'all it takes'. You need to be in good shape. You need to be well-rested, well-fed, or you'll block up. You don't nees to be bloated, you'll block up. You need to be comfortable or you'll block up. You can try and try and try and never acchieve anything because you're not comfortable with the idea or because you're getting frustrated for failing. You need to..." She aighed. "Look, magic is not a parlor trick. It's not something you can just do one day. If you want to practise it, do so at a time when you feel like you could easily run a couple of miles without being all out of breath. And if you get frustrated becauase you're not succeeding, stop and try again later when you're feeling better again."