"Well then at least hide yourself." Musashi looked at Kyy's exhausted form and him crumbled on the floor. She took her dagger back and picked him up with one hand and then opening one of the trap doors that the pirates hid into ambush them, then put him into the hidden compartment. "Well then it will be a shame if you got stabbed at your weakest and died like chump." She turned to the hallway that Abbygail ran down, for a moment a faint simile could be seen it would seem that her option of him improved somewhat. She followed the opened doors and foaming bodies that were like breadcrumbs to Abbygail's location. Though there were three people who were hastily dressed and red faced, just exiting their room. "Excuse me can you tell me if a purple haired girl came though here." The trio face went crimson and pointed to the direction that she went to. Musashi said thank you and ran to Abbygail's location and finally bumped saw Abbygail standing in the door frame. From the looks of it, it would seem as if she saw a further oddity, which they already had plenty of, so more couldn't hurt she guessed.