[@0 Azzy 0] You've certainly given me quite a bit to think about. I'll try to respond in the most effective way I can. But before I get to all that, thanks for the massive amount of insight. It's mind-blowing to have gotten a response like this. I guess answering one question would require answering the other for the first chunk of your post, so I guess I'll try to answer them in one paragraph. The idea at first was a simple reskin of D&D with house rules. However, as I had looked deeper, I wasn't entirely convinced that would be the best thing to do, so as a result, it may become a completely new system, and even as far as d20 goes, I gravitate toward it because it is a player-friendly system that many people would be familiar with. That's not to say I'm *against* changing it up from the d20, but rather that it's simply the one I find most appealing. However, functionally, as you have demonstrated rather well, there are other options that may work better. Of course, until I have tested all my different options, I suppose it is rather difficult to determine which method would be most effective. [hr]I do want to apologize for earlier. I wasn't trying to make it sound so much like I was trying to shut down what [@Jerkchicken] was suggesting. I had just realized at that time that I had a few holes in my explanation that needed filling, and I quickly began looking for ways I might be able to improve and reduce the number of stats, as I know it does seem like overkill to have nine of them. Luckily, I now have a possible solution, which I will address here in a moment. Referencing your particular example, Psyche was probably entirely the wrong word for it. I probably should have stuck with Intelligence, as, for the most part, it is what the stat was intended to be the most representative of. However, I will admit that you are right, I was thinking a bit more along the lines of making a pattern and trying to fill in the blanks. In a sense, I did try to make the stats fit the same thing you described about WoD, but I know it fell short, as the only stats that truly fit that pattern correctly may have been Endurance, Spirit, and Will. It may actually be able to fit that pattern correctly if I were to attempt to work toward making the Triangles of Wisdom and Courage fit properly within the Mental and Social stat blocks, respectively. Of course this is assuming I don't go with your next suggestion. [hr]Now to address the biggest part of your post, but hopefully I can keep my response short. First off, I like diagrams. Diagrams are nice. And in all actuality, this solves many of the problems I was having trying to use the base 6 stats of D&D. :bow Even if for some off-the-wall reason I decide to still go with something different, your diagram and the functionality here is something I will likely use as a basis. Concerning the Hero Points, I'm glad you like them. I had plans to give a racial bonus to Hylians concerning them simply because they're considered the "race closest to the Goddess" and all that (trying to keep this short and sweet so I won't get too in-depth about that decision), but I do want to ask what you might have had in mind when you say "retool". I can see from your diagram that it would involve Charisma, Constitution, and Wisdom to calculate it, but as far as how that might go down, I'm rather curious to see what you had in mind. Thank you again for the insight; I cannot express how much your expertise has helped. [hr]LOL "Yu-Gi-Oh Syndrome". I wasn't so much focused on what the numbers might be yet, but i do agree, a simplified numbering system may be in order here. And though it has nothing to do with this Zelda system, there are indeed some cards in Yu-Gi-Oh which include 50 in their points totals, and for that matter, there are 30s . . . and 70s, and 10s, even. I think the developers decided on what they did for the purpose of all the halving effects in the game (I remember one time playing and ACTUALLY using the ones place in calculation, and I think even getting to the point I had to ask "Are we actually going to keep track of the decimal? Or shall we just round?" That was a rather extreme case, but still happened XD). But that's another discussion for another time. Your point still comes across loud and clear. [hr]I can definitely do the crafting thing. Had plans for it, actually. Not sure about them entirely replacing skills, but perhaps simplifying the skills (rather than having a few dozen, we could maybe simplify it to 10 of them, tops; Heck, the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic games used a D&D-esque system and only used 8 Skills, iirc, and it worked fine for them) and having the items assist them? I mean, just because you got a pair of flippers doesn't mean you know how to swim and keep yourself afloat (Lookin' at you, ALttP).