[center][h2][b]Radford[/b][/h2][/center] The Young Hawk was excited about his prospects; the anxiety, mildly overwhelming. He focused his breathing, calming himself to not let it get the better of him. His pet hawk, [i]Pecker[/i] alighted upon his left arm; taking up a spot on his armor. Radford fed the bird a morsel from one of his pouches. “Yea, little Pecker, you will ride into battle with me, won’t you boy?” The young man spoke softly towards his avian friend. Radford watched his Lord father gallop toward him from the stables, preparing for whatever engagement lay ahead. Radford admired the level of confidence his father exuded. His presence filled the son with confidence. He could see things with such clarity. He recalled every lesson he learned from Rennault and Lord Kayne. As his Rennault moved closer, he listened to his words, [i]“Son, you will have our lead. If anything, so much as a damn bird crosses your path, inform me at once. This is no time for heroics. Start forming at the ready once you see Ryger’s forces.”[/i] Radford peered into his Lord Father’s eyes. Their appearance conveyed a heavier tone than the words he uttered. “Yes, my lord!” Radford responded without hesitation. Then he turned to Cedric, “Lord Smallwood, if you please, take a vedette of six horse and cover our flank. Place yourself about a kilometer from Lord Kayne between him and Lord Ryger’s lands. Send a rider back to our Lord Ashton in the event you spot anything from that direction." A vedette is a term used by cavalry formations to denote an observation post or covering force to provide security for the main body, preventing it from being surprised. He then looked at the Lancers, “Mr. Coventry, choose five men and follow me. We are screening the front.” Radford spurred the dark stallion, wheeling him towards the city's entrance. Radford wasted no time. When his screening force was ready, the Young Hawk lead the way, trotting out of the city, heading along the road that would take the Lashton force into Lord Ryger’s lands. Once clear of the wall, the vedette galloped forward; a Lashton banner flapping in the wind overhead. The young man was thrilled. He looked back at the city, keeping an eye on the Lashton forces arrayed behind him. It was truly impressive. His hawk, [i]Pecker[/i] flapped its wings taking flight, keeping an eye on the surrounding countryside. [i]You'll keep me safe, won't you boy,[/i] Radford thought to himself as though he were communicating with the bird; his eyes.