[i]Reia stepped onto the train and the door closed behind her. She closed her eyes and the train pulled out of the station, leaving a probably broken hearted Welkins behind. She sighed, turning to look out the window. He was watching the train pull out, and Reia kept her eyes on him until she couldn't see him anymore. She could feel her eyes stinging with the threat of tears. She had been honest to him, and she really hoped he would understand what she meant. Nonetheless though, it still upset her that she hurt his feelings. She brushed her dress off, and she could still feel eyes on her from the public seating. She squared off her shoulders and headed back to her room, unlocking it and heading in to sit at the table. Before she could even relax, there was a gentle knock at the door and a trolly was pushed into her room with dinner. She wasn't hungry anymore, and a knot was in her stomach instead. But she knew she would need the energy for her mission. Once she finished eating, she changed into a baggy tshirt and shorts and fell asleep for a while. When she woke up again, she felt groggy and had kind of forgotten where she was. She sat up and looked around for a few minutes, realizing the train was nearly stopped at the station. She knew her way around though, and changed back into the black dress. She put her daggers back into the sheathes, fixed her hair and gathered her things. She looked at her phone for a moment, the time read 3am. She yawned slightly and then decided to send a text to Welkins. She hoped he wouldn't ignore her. [color=f6989d]"I arrived safely."[/color] was all she wrote. Reia made her way off the train and returned the key to the clerk, smiling gently. The train station stood in the center of the city, so all of the light shone brightly. The city was still buzzing with life, and it was a very short walk to where she needed to go. She shoved her phone into her bag and began her walk. Within ten or so minutes, she was standing outside the huge wrought iron gates of Silvermoon Pier Guild. Being here brought back hundreds of memories. But she wasn't here for visiting this time. This time, she was here on strictly business, and the task was important. She walked through the gates and headed on into the building. The foyer was mostly empty but she managed to find her way to the reception area. A thin [url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/071/527/c9e.gif]woman[/url] stood behind the desk, though this woman was much taller than Reia. She looked up from over the top of her glasses and then smiled. Her hair was braided into two dutch style braids, her glasses pink in contrast to the green strands falling down around the woman's face. [color=007236]"Good morning, Reia. We've been expecting you. Your room is on the fourth floor, dorms quadrant. Good luck tomorrow!"[/color] she said, handing Reia a key. This key however was a card style one. You slid it into the thin lock of the door, and it would unlock with the right card. Reia had forgotten that the technology in the city was a bit more advanced than in Galia. She nodded a thank you to the receptionist, and made her way to the dorms. She unlocked the door once she reached it and stepped inside. The [url=https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Sleek-and-modern-bedroom-with-plenty-of-shelf-space.jpg]room[/url] was simple and minimalist. It would be the perfect place to prepare for the task. She placed her bag down near the chair, and changed once again into the pjs. She wanted to do some yoga and meditation before anything. Even though she wouldn't be sleeping, she technically still gained energy from doing those two things. She did a quick yoga routine, one to help her focus and relax. Then sat and thought of nothing for a while. After a bit, she crawled into bed and set an alarm for morning. She would be meeting with someone extremely interesting tomorrow. Or so that's what it seemed from what was written in her folder. Reia then let herself drift off into a deep, dreamless sleep. [/i]