[quote]Secondly, planning to play this as a nebulous 'High-Casual' level RP, which for me means I expect advanced levels of spelling/grammar/writing, but I don't care if you only post a paragraph or two to keep things ticking along.[/quote] Gotta love how the first two High-Casual requirements are correct spelling and grammar, since that's special anymore. [quote]Thirdly, this is very Low-Fantasy. No magic (although your characters might [i]believe[/i] in magic), no non-human races, no ridiculous anachronistic stuff for a period equivalent to the High/Late Medieval.[/quote] This is straight-up the best selling point for me. [quote]In terms of tech levels, I'm thinking late 13th - 14th century.[/quote] Oh snap, can we be longbow archers? Those guys were hardcore. Punching holes in chain mail armor at 300+ yards. Plus, they had a reputation of not having formal military training, and were borderline hired mercenaries, [url=https://www.realmofhistory.com/2016/05/03/10-interesting-facts-english-longbowman/] as I've been informed.[/url] My experience with RPs and video games (and games in general) has led me to prefer aggressive close-range combat, but picking off game and scouts at range sounds fun too. Depends on what other people decide to be, I suppose.