[quote=@Trivval]The free companies used to be pretty democratic about what they did, John Hawkwood (leader of the famous White Company) was elected.[/quote] An election may or may not be our major opening plot point... [quote=@Trivval]A suggestion therefore could be that people apply as a lance with the man 'Man-at-arms' being your primary character and you've got a small host of hanger-on NPCs that you can do whatever with. Your 50/100/100 split seems fine, typically you'd see a 1/1/1 ratio or a 1/1/2 with most archers being infantrymen in their own right because they primarily used crossbows.[/quote] Yeah I'm aware of the lance system, but wasn't sure if I wanted to introduce it as a game mechanic, don't want to force people to have to make a bunch of NPCs just to play. It might be more of a background thing. [quote=@Trivval]An interesting thing to note about most mercenaries in this era would go out of their way not to fight. This era was the birth of military science, you fought to outmanoeuvre your opponent and fight their ability to wage war, rather than that fight for valor, physical courage or chivalry. Why risk uncertain fortune - defeat, capture, death all could mean you wont get paid.[/quote] As I said, we will doing a lot of not-fighting. We may even change sides a few times...