[hr][hr] [center][img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwarsdarkdreams/images/9/9d/Twi_wantedB.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110724192349[/img] [url=https://fontmeme.com/futuristic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171116/cb4f536d36875b182ee4bacbcbe3dbb8.png[/img][/url] [hr][hr][/center] [url=https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/001/928/442/large/nick-paparazzo-blaster8.jpg?1454706970]Blaster Pistol[/url] [url=https://img0.etsystatic.com/207/0/10393638/il_570xN.1278324772_9ste.jpg]Vibro Blade[/url] [color=D9B627][b]Name:[/b][/color]Lez’Varfin [color=D9B627][b]Species:[/b][/color]Twi’Lek [color=D9B627][b]Age:[/b][/color]26 [color=D9B627][b]Appearance:[/b][/color]Lez is a Gold Skinned Twi’Lek who stands 1.9 m (6’3”) her Lek tattooed with a pattern of Silver stripes. Her right arm is tattooed with elaborate tribal patterns which pleased her former master. On either side of her belly are Tattoos declaring her to be a Fighting slave, a gladiator; on her right thigh a cartouche of ownership bearing her master’s seal. On her left breast and cheek are symbols of luck and for those either lucky or unlucky enough it is said she has others beneath her clothing. [color=D9B627][b]Faction:[/b][/color]Believers [color=D9B627][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] [color=D9B627][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [u]Dex[/u] Melee Combat / Parry specialising in Vibroblades Brawling / Parry trained in the brutal style of the arenas Blaster pistols Dodge Dancing [u]Knowledge[/u] Streetwise Survival Willpower [u]Mechanical[/u] N/A [u]Perception[/u] Persusaion Sneak [u]Strength[/u] Brawling Stamina [u]Technical[/u] N/A [color=D9B627][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] As a former slave Lez has very little knowledge outside of what was drilled into her as a fighting slave which at times can make her seem an ignorant being fresh from a stone age culture. Her ability to read and write are limited to what you might expect of a grade schooler as is her math skills and technical knowledge beyond the use and upkeep of her weapons. Trained as a Fighting Slave she is brutal in combat showing and giving no quarter and killing it seems with all the emotional detachment of a Hunter Killer and as controlled if under the command of her elders in the Believers. [color=D9B627][b]Special Abilities:[/b][/color] Because of her brain tentacles, called "brain-tails," "lekku," "tchun-tchin," or "head-tails" Lez’s advanced organs can be used for communication and cognitive functions. These make her naturally quick and cunning, and able to excel in both physical and cognitive skills, able to perform feats of dexterity that significantly surpass other species’ capabilities. [color=D9B627][b]History:[/b][/color]Her earliest memories were of her Master who initially treated the young Twi’Lek better than other slaves feeding and educating her in the sciences of combat as opposed to the normal lessons other Twi’Lek females. She was encouraged to dominate the other slave children on her Master’s ship and punished if she allowed herself to be so dominated; this was all part of Ven Novos plan to create a Beautiful Killer. As a child she was safe from the advances of the male fighting slaves but as soon as she was judged sufficiently developed to begin the next phase of her training her body became the prise any of the male fighting slave might have if they could defeat her in combat. Such brutal treatment would have broken any other slave’s spirit but her Master’s initial training saw to it that all it really did was make for a more clever killer. She was not allowed to simply surrender and beaten once the victor had her as they wished if she didn’t fight to her full potential; this was all a part of her Master’s cruel training regimen. Within 2 years she was able to defeat half of the males in her Masters stables and by the time 4 years had past able to defeat any but his two Champions and then thrust into the staged combats the Hut enjoyed watching and making huge bets on. For another 4 years till she was 20 years old she fought and killed and was also expected to serve anyone her Master demanded she serve which was a mistake on Ven Novos’s part for his previous training had taught her that submission to a weaker person was something she must fight against; the seed had been planted. Then one day while being tended by a physician slave she heard two nearby serving slaves gossiping about the Rebellion and it caused her to wonder if a slave could ever be truly free; nurturing the seed of desire. It was four years later that she was taken by Ven Novos aboard a starship alone just the two of them and he felt her so well trained that he feared not being alone with her for he’d done so many times before using her as a guard while he slept. Then he made the mistake of desiring her and trying to take her to his bed and she resisted finding her was a weakling who’s only power had been her constant domination and the others he surrounded himself with. She might have allowed him to live if not for his whimpering and begging for his life which disgusted her and made her pent up rage after being forced so many years to do his bidding for fear of his power that vanished like the fog in the light of day. No fool she knew the penalty for her act of rebellion and ran as far and as fast as she was able and might have been caught were it not for the Believer’s finding her and showing her the way to safety. They taught her how wrong her life had been and how the Masters and those who supported them were as weak as her former master and she asked to join them in their struggle. Soon she was using her beauty to gain access to targets posing as a dancing slave and waiting for the inevitable nature of the cruel beings that used other beings as toys which could be neglected and discarded a will with no care for their feelings to seek to use her body. She needed no weapons to kill and proved quite good at it becoming a much used infiltrator into the minor houses then later those greater and more cruel. She was labeled an assassin and she scoffed at the thought for assassins were driven by money and she was driven by her desires and were she not directed by those with cooler heads might have for a brief time become a mad killer of the Masters. Lez enjoyed hearing them beg, seeing them plead and offer her their vast wealth for something they valued and had taken from others ignoring their pleas. Many she killed using her powerful legs to strangle the life from them and most of them willingly placed themselves at disadvantage to make it too easy. As the Believer’s killer she learned her craft quickly and coupled with her natural cunning began racking up a tally that matched those of some of the best bounty hunters. So good was she at her art that her handlers began to worry she might eventually turn on them till it was discovered that she couldn’t kill a slave or former slave so long as they didn’t hold a weapon against her. She was in fact kind to them even admitting feelings of guilt for the deaths she had caused when her throat bore a collar and did as she was told. So now a free woman Lez seeks to express her freedom by setting others free and waits for the day when she may cease being a killer and perhaps finally find true peace.