[b]Designation: Vivian Everett Location: Sammie's 2257-35ul Time: Around 9 pm[/b] The music continued to thrum, and Vivian had to resist the urge to tap her feet on the table in time with the beat. It had probably seen worse abuse she supposed, but if she could keep from getting charged for breaking the furniture then that would be for the best. Her drink was finished off in a few deep gulps, and she placed it off to the side as she let the buzz settle in. At the same time she hit the pager for a refill and settled in to wait for the new round to show up courtesy of the workers there. So far there were no messages for her assistance, and she spent the meanwhile chatting on message boards with her associates. Oh, and her sports teams were losing, meaning she was looking at a total net loss for the evening. "Well, at least I can pretend I was productively drunk," she muttered to herself. Life was all about the small victories, so she would take what comfort she could get as she waited for the excitement to pick back up.