[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7USvLo5.jpg[/img] [b][sub][sub][h3]C H A P T E R O N E[/h3][/sub][/sub] [sup][sup][h2][color=82ca9d]H E R O[/color] [color=00a651]O R[/color] [color=007236]M O N S T E R?[/color][/h2][/sup][/sup][/b] [/center] Hulk sat over looking a small town. The people here didn't really know Hulk, so Hulk chose to protect it. Puny Banner had told Hulk to be a [i]hero[/i] when all Hulk wanted was to be left alone. So Hulk protected this small town, where Hulk could help just like Puny Banner asked, without having to deal with many people being scared of Hulk, or chasing Hulk. Looking up at the horizon Hulk growled as Hulk saw a storm approaching, forks of blue lightning arcing across the gloomy horizon. Hulk could see a giant sillohuette in the clouds, and could feel Banners conciousness recoil out of fear. Whatever Banner thought he saw, scared him. Hulk smirked, being the strongest there was there was little Hulk had to fear. Hulk doubted that even the so called [i]Super-man[/i] could defeat Hulk. The radio beside Hulk changed from it's music with 'breaking news'. Apparently there was some form of commotion in [i]New York[/i] around a possible attack on the United Nations. Hulk didn't want to go. New York meant Superheroes, Police, Cameras and National Guard. Hulk moved to push over the radio, however Hulk could feel Banners conciousness pushing back. Hulk had no choice, growling as the heavens opened and the rain started to pour. Running, Hulk kicked up and bounded up in the sky leaping over a great distance. On nearing the ground changing stance so that the moment Hulks feet touched the ground, Hulk jumped up again. The rain and wind buffeting against his skin. Bounding there was a thundererous sound across the state as Hulk came closer and closer to the great city of New York... [hr] Hulk landed a street away, Helicopters had already been following him through the city. Hulk chose to ignore them. As Hulk got closer Hulk could see the Fantastic Four, the Rock man jumped into the fray first, jumping from the floating bathtub that they seemed to be using as transport. Hulk jumped up as he saw another missile fire from one of the rooftops. Using his own body to block the blast Hulk was then sent towards the bottom of the UN building, crashing through the wall in a roll into a room full of surprised, and frightened politicians. Hulk stood up and roared towards the outside of the building, voice echoing through the streets. If someone hadn't noticed that Hulk was here by now, they surely would have. Hulk saw someone in a red and black suit atop a building and almost went after him before Banner drew his attention elsewhere. Just across from where the [i]Thing[/i] had landed there was a group of people cowering, above them a billboard began to fall. Hulk ran straight at the rock man, no doubt he would have thought that Hulk was about to get into a fight with him. [color=1a7b30][i]People always thought Hulk wanted to fight.[/i][/color] [color=a2d39c]'Well it's not as if you've given them any reason to think otherwise.'[/color] Puny Banners voice was always in his head. As he approached the rockman he jumped over him. Landing on the otherside he ran straight up to the group cowered in fear, who didn't even move as Hulk approached. Raising his arms above his head the billboard landed straight into his hands, pushing Hulk down slightly. Grunting with the shock. [color=1a7b30][b]"Puny Humans, Run!"[/b][/color]