Okay, finally posted my character, but I'm still working on Delu's personality write-up, but I just wanted to stick those abbreviation here that I was talking about: [b]WS (World Sovereignty). IAA (Interstellar and Astronomical Academy). CSE (Convention of Space Exploration) CSEO (Convention of Space Exploration, Ordinance #)[/b] let me know if I left anything out by chance. You may not need to use them or anything, but they're here if you would like. On another note: Since we are getting closer to starting, I was thinking about where to starts in terms of story. My obvious conclusion was to just start from the point instantly after they crash on the planet. Just kinda pulling themselves from the rubble kinda thing. Hope that sounds good to you as well. I don't see the two characters emerging close together, probably separating them to some extent intestinal might prove extra interesting. But that's just my view. Let me know what you think. I still haven't started on my first post yet, but just thought I'd throw that out there now anyway. Alright, better go finish typing up that Delu personality, which isn't proving to be easy.