So im keen on finding someone to rp with, always wanted to try DND or something like it, not many people in my part of Norway have that interest. (live on the fringe of society... not really) Did play for many years on an rp server on wow, just awful god emoting and silly stuff in goldshire for a long while until i changed servers and got a bit more serious for a short time, before I lost interest because of the cataclysm (a life without barrens chat is no life at all). But still it was the most fun I had in that game. Have read fantasy books since I was 11 or 12, some of my favorite writers are; Brandon Sanderson, Robin Hobb and stephen King. Lately i've been reading sci fi by the author Dan Simmons, loved his Hyperion Cantos until the last two books in the series. Also some Tao te ching to get my philosophy fix. Oh and on the side I am trying to learn digital art, just bought a wacom intuos and trying to learn Krita. I've done a daily pencil scetch for 3 months and im starting to improve. So i'll end it by saying hello there folks, eager to find some rp. :)