[h1][color=purple]Rosalin Tombs[/color][/h1] [hr] Rosalin burst into the gymnasium, out of breath and red in the face. Manilow had informed her off the situation, before leaping out of her office's window. By no means an irregular exit by the gym teacher, thus the nurse had focused on gathering up the supplies she guessed she would need and rushing down to the dorm building. She found the boy exactly where Manilow had said he would be, and she knelt down next to him, fighting back a chill. This girl was attached to him, and not in control of her abilities. It would be best not to antagonize her. At the moment, the girl was asking him something. Rosalin brought a finger to the boy's lips and hushed as she laid out her medical kit. He had many, many small injuries, especially around his hands. Performing triage required slightly more assessment of his condition. at a glance none of the boy's bones were broken. Rosalin placed her hands on the boy's torso, and gently pressed down along the areas where the boy's ribcage would be. [color=purple]"If you could just try and breathe, deep breaths, in and out for me, thank you."[/color] It didn't seem as though anything was fractured. Though he was covered in bruises, scrapes, and many, many burns, the boy had somehow evaded a long-term injury. Hadn't he? [hr] [h1][color=gold]Jordan Manilow[/color][/h1] [hr] After letting the nurse know about the problem with Felix, Jordan made his way out onto the grounds. He felt disappointed in the way things had ended. The boy it seemed, had learned nothing at all, at the expense of sustaining many injuries. There was so much potential he had yet to truly tap. But then, Jordan tried to recall back when he'd been green. It had been a different era, and it seemed a lifetime ago. He ran his hands over his chest as he walked, unintentionally marking each and every scar, and trying to remember how he'd earned them. There was a surprisingly large amount he'd forgotten the source of, which he realized gave a somber indication of the kind of life he led. What of his mental scars? Were they similarly mysterious and inaccessible to him? And what about his injury? Jordan crossed the track and field, all quiet, despite the sun being high in the sky. A good day for a tournament, good weather, good air. Nobody, save for him, present to appreciate it. Of course it was likely that Kano could hold a tournament in the middle of a monsoon and the weather would be even better. That got him thinking about Kano, specifically about how that man, if Kano could even still be called such, how he treated Felix's situation. His outbursts, and his anger, those passionate outbursts. He met that fire with such coldness. Such measured, calculated poise. It unnerved Jordan. His instincts were to pry that emotion out from where it lurked, and treat it. Balm it with a salve of self-reflection. But Kano, had in his own sort of way, just watched the wound... fester. Jordan shook himself. He couldn't know the headmaster's thoughts and he'd not even bothered to directly ask what Kano thought ought to be done about Felix. He shouldn't assume things that didn't, well that didn't- Jordan opened the door to his shed, and quietened his thoughts. There would be time enough for those concerns later. Right now, he had to tend to his affairs. [hr] [h1][color=green]Jideh Basrah[/color][/h1] [hr] Jideh had been laying in the greenhouse for some time, stuffing his face with some chips he'd swiped from the cafeteria, along with some salads he'd bought. As he munched, he catalogued plants, and memorized them in his mind. When he grew bored of that, he invested a Lapcatcher with enough energy for it to grow into a hammock of sorts. He hopped up into the soft and bouncy leaf, and started at a book he'd picked up from the library. The title was called [i]A Beginner's Guide to Elemental Ability; The Path to The Second Soul[/i], and although much of the material seemed to be quite dense, Jideh felt he was starting to understand, if only just a little, how he could do what he could do. He also started getting a whole lot of ideas about things to experiment with, and that thought thrilled him more than anything else. As he flipped from page to page, the connection between his specialization of Flora and its mother element of Earth became clearer. He thought back to the abilities he'd seen that insane gym teacher display yesterday, and he wondered if he could make that power work for him, if in a totally different way. His first and principle idea was a simple one; Jideh decided that he should try to find a way to make his powers more efficient. If what this book was talking about were true, he might have a hunch, an idea on how to do that.