Thorin looked over at Kili, whom tried to brush it off as nothing. "It's nothing...I'll be fine." he reassured his uncle. Thorin just narrowed his eyes at Kili with worry..his nephew always tried to brush it off. He then stood besides his nephew Fili protectively, seeing Bard. Yavanna cleared her throat gently. "Excuse me? Are you from Lake town?" she asked Bard softly...when he turned to face her, she raised her hands up. The young Princess knew of that little town. "Would that barge be available for hire?" she asked softly, nodding to his boat. The she-elf smiled warmly at the stranger. Thorin was about to say something. But Yavanna simple shook her head at him, to let her speak. "If you could help us, we would really appreciate it." she said softly. "I am sure you have hungry mouths at home to feed." Added Balin. If they could reason with Bard...they could get some transport to Lake town and a few supplies.