Yavanna looked at Bard. "I know a good person, when I see one." she said softly. "I believe, you would have turned us away already, if you didn't intend on helping." she said softly, as he loaded the barrels onto the Barge. Answering his question about helping them. Kili tried to walk on his own, but due to his God mother, instant that she carry him...he let her. Balin smiled, hearing Bard talk about his children. "And your wife, she must be a beauty." he commented, not knowing it was a dangerous territory. "We're simple Merchants, from the Blue Mountains. Going to visit our kin...these lovely ladies, are friends, companions." "We need Food, Supplies, Weapons..will you help us?" Thorin asked, looking at Bard. Meanwhile, back in the palace Halls. Thranduil circled the Orc that his son and Tauriel had captured. "Such is the nature of evil, there in the vast ignorance of the world. It festers and thrives. A Shadow that grows in the dark. A sleepless Malice, As black as on the oncoming wall of night. So it ever was, so it will always be. In time, all foul things come forth." The Orc struggled against the blade, that the Prince held to his neck.