The dwarves all gathered on the deck of the boat as Bard sat at the helm and steered it through the waters. "Watch out!" shouted Bofur as he saw a large structure in their path, and all the dwarves ducked out of the way and yelled in panic. Luckily, the Lakeman steered the boat to evade the obstacle. Saeril had her hair flowing in the cold breeze, while sitting with the brothers. Noticing Kili being stubborn again (it was obvious that he was pale and shivering), the she-elf sighed and stretched out her cloak to wrap it around his shoulders. The lack of layers he and Fili had, were not the best of wear in these kinds of weather conditions. She figured that they were either stripped of protection, or if they just plainly forgot about their coats back in Mirkwood. Since she boarded the vessel, Saeril felt a light-weight upon her head, before noticing that she couldn't feel her horns anymore. The deformity spell must be slowly fading, but what was the reason why? She had to ask Gandalf about this. Even if she didn't have horns now, she still wanted to keep her black horned headress. What she was worried about, was Kili's condition. He was hit with a weapon she knew was particularly fatal, and if not treated quickly, it would surely hurt from the inside-out. Letting him lean against her shoulder, she kept her cloak laid on him like a blanket. "Are you okay, young Durin?", the she-elf asked him softly. His taunting seemed to have negatively affected the Elf Prince. It was evident in how he tightened his grip on both his blade and the creature. "Do not test me", Legolas sternly warned him. The statement was unexpected, even for him. Why would he say that? Since when did he learn to even care about the girl? He knew about the good deeds she had recently performed, but they can't change his perspective of her, can they? "The Dwarf runt will never be King!", Narzug responded. "King? There is no King under the mountain, nor will there ever be. None would dare enter Erebor", Legolas told the orc with his grip on the dagger tightening even more.