Yavanna sat near Fili and Kili. Looking at the youngest one with concern. Something caught her nose...scent. It was partially Kili's blood. But something else...her elven senses were sharp...and the wind, help carry the scent. Poison. She noticed Saeril's usual horns, were gone. It surprised Yavanna, but that wasn't the important thing right now. Yavanna didn't want to alarm Kili...especially Fili and Saeril, with what she knew. But Kili needed help fast...but right now, she did not have the herbs that would help to heal his wound. She just reached over...squeezing Fili's hand softly. His hand felt cold. Trying to reassure the elder Durin boy. As Kili got wrapped up in Saeril's cloak, he shivered slightly but nodded "Just cold...and tired." Kili said. "You all worry too much." he said softly...feeling shooting pain in his leg, but he ignored it. The Orc smirked. "You know nothing! Your world will burn!" The Orc choked out. "Our time has come again. Our Master serves the one!" The Orc breathed out, in a threatening voice. "You will all face the flames of war."