WIP Name: Sir Geoffry Halter Gender: Male Age: 33 Role/Position: Corporal, 33 men. Appearance: [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/4066/th/pre/i/2014/063/9/9/crusader_by_odinoir-d78qlqs.jpg[/img] Personality: Normally taciturn and morose, Geoffrey shows all the signs of long term depression and PTSD. He finds difficulty in enjoying the same things he once loved, and motivates the men under his command more by actions than flowery words or great soliloquys and speeches. Within combat, he fights recklessly and with a touch too much open- his shield kept up more as an afterthought rather than around his main style. He is always on the lookout for ambushes and traps, and his tendency to go without sleep for long periods of time means that he is almost always found on watch. History: WIP Skills and Abilities: Geoffrey is an excellent fighter- capable with handaxe, mace and sword. Personally, he prefers a good shield and an axe, but he can also work with any number of polearms or makeshift weapons. He’s also incredibly durable, feeling the effects of hunger, and his wounds, less keenly than a lesser man does. Finally, Geoffry is a man without something to return to. His wife is dead, he sold his lands, and his title of knighthood rings hollow. Combat holds no fear for him. Weakness(es): Cannot have a proper night’s rest. Geoffrey suffers from serious PTSD and has vivid and horrific nightmares when he does sleep. Hates sleeping and prefers to go as long as possible without, relying on the adrenaline from combat to sustain him in a fight. Equipment: Geoffrey owns a full set of plate armour, including helm, as well as chainmail, a gambeson, and three surcoats. His armour is kept clean mostly thanks to his squire and liberal amounts of sand and vinegar- meaning that it is clean of rust, if slightly dinged and banged. One of these surcoats is his old crusading wear, one has his personal coat of arms, and the final one is the banner of the Band of Fools. Weapon wise, he has a longsword, greataxe, handaxe, flanged mace, flail mace, arming sword and a number of daggers. He obviously does not carry most of these into battle, instead choosing based upon his foes. He also owns a number of shields, although this is more to ensure he is never caught without should one be damaged. Finally, and curiously, Geoffry does not ride a horse. Instead, he uses a mule to carry what he needs, and walks beside it. He has never revealed if this was personal preference, or something more.