The gates were raised, and Bard was permitted entry. "It's a small town, Alfred. Everyone knows where everyone lives", he sneered back to the Master's right-hand man. From underneath the fish, Fili sighed in relief, but he tried not to breathe too deeply. The fish smelled horrible. After what felt a lifetime, he felt the barrels begin to tip over. Thorin and the others were exiting from their hiding places, for Bard had gotten them to the dock. Having to climb out, the blonde grimaced as he brushed a dead fish from his shoulder. At least they hadn't been spotted. Yet. "What are we supposed to do now?", they were cold, wet, and tired. "If I were an Orc, you would be dead", Legolas recalled back to his friend, before lowering down his bow. "Tauriel, you can't hunt thirty Orcs on your own". That was when he realized. "You knew I would come".