[color=FF69B4]Ryuko's phone beeped, startling her for a moment. She checked the screen after quickly switching her phone to vibrate.[/color] [quote=From: Mom]try not to get in trouble kiddo :3[/quote] [color=FF69B4]She rolled her eyes. Without a doubt she was referring to the incident that happened last year when Ryuko had seen the biology teacher and school nurse simply talking in the hallway... and started drawing a full-on girls' love doujinshi on the spot. That sounds bad, right? Well, it went from bad to worse when none other than [i]the headmistress[/i] came up behind her and saw what she was drawing. Her drawing pad was confiscated on the spot, and both of her parents were called in after school for a meeting. [i]Talk about embarrassing[/i], Ryuko thought. Oh, sure, she hadn't gotten in trouble with her parents over it (in fact both her mom and dad were fairly supportive of her hobby, and had even footed a small amount of cash so that she could sell first doujin at Comichiba last year) but she was still on the staff's shit-list over the incident.[/color]