"To think, you will all have the privilege, nay, the honor of one day telling your kids that you were a classmate of the famous....RITZY!" Staring with wide eyes and a wide disbelieving grin as the girl made her entrance, Alex couldn't help but burst into laughter as she danced to her seat. Now this was interesting. Seemed someone else was out to shape the world to her liking, even if it was a delusion of fame, he could respect that. He looked up at the board, noticing that she was assigned to the same dorm. He smirked a bit, then pulled out a notebook and put snapped back into student mode. It was just like being back at his normal school, an open and focused mind ready to take in and process new information. This is what he was here for after all, go from being good to the best. Most of the information was already known to him, but he took everything down making his own additions out of habit. When it came to the demonstration of the Dragon attack's lack of effect on the Fairy type, he watched carefully. He had heard about this but as he didn't own a Fairy type or Pokemon with a Dragon type attack he had never witnessed it up close. At the mention of signature moves, Alex's attention turned to his Smoochum. When she evolved, Alex knew Sweets would at some point learn Lovely Kiss, though he wasn't sure how well it would fit in with their battle style. Even then the Adams other comment was irrelevant as he was sure no other Pokemon could use Lovely Kiss. If any of his other two Pokemon had a signature move, it'd be news to him. Once class was dismissed he took note of the assignment to battle a dormmate. Seeing as he only knew who Ritzy was, she seemed like a good opponent, if for nothing else but see what she was like in battle. He noticed another trainer having trouble controlling his Jolteon. Cocking an eyebrow he wondered [I]I thought this was a school for skilled trainers...[/I]. It was then that he noticed just how many of the trainers had their Pokemon out of the Pokeball for whatever reason. [I]Whatever, I'll let them out once we're in the room. Don't want anyone to think I can't control my Pokemon.[/I] Before leaving the room he walked up to Ritzy. "Lemme just say I was just sooo thrilled to see that the great Ritzy was in my class. I never I thought I'd be so lucky," he said with a smirk. It was a risk, saying all that. For all he knew she'd be so oblivious she'd think he was serious. "I hope you don't mind if I take this opportunity to ask for your autograph," he said holding out a pen and his notebook. "Just something like 'To Alex, with love'.I'm sure it'll be of immense value someday... and yet," he continued, pulling it back "it seems unfair for me to just have something like your autograph without giving you something in exchange." He pretended to think for a bit, then smiled, "I know! You may not have noticed yet but we're in the same dorm." He gestured toward the lists on the board. "I say we have a battle later, and if I win, I get your autograph. And if you win...," he paused and shrugged, "Well you probably won't so we can figure that out some other time. How about it?"