Dark hair. Elven features. A prisoner. While these descriptions were very general, Parum couldn’t deny that this seemed too good to go to waste. Surely this man was Leosin, and all she’d need to do is find a way to get him out of here. The cover of night would be best, since right now trying to even interact with him during the day would be too suspicious. More so since, unlike the other prisoners, he seems to be crucified for some reason. If Larum had to guess he must have done something to threaten the cultists here. She wouldn’t be surprised if he was going to be executed soon. [color=7ea7d8]”[i]All the more reason I need to act fast.[/i][/color][/color] Parum notes that Brannor had also spotted the same man. Perhaps she could use him to confirm his identity, or at least have a reason to get close. But even so Parum couldn’t get close to Brannor either, less she expose some prior relationship between herself and him. No, for now she’ll have to go on her own. Gather more information. But perhaps she could speak to him at a later time. [color=7ea7d8]”Who’s the poor sod tied up over there? Some ring leader or something?”[/color] Parum has returned to the captain she had spoken to earlier for a few more questions.