Nexus turned away from Bruce and relaxed himself. [color=00aeef]"When I first started studying the rift between worlds, the endless expanse of antimatter that exists to separate and unite, I was met with a complication. I could not rip holes in space time, and that disallowed any research at all. At the time, I hadn't even given a name to the energy that gives birth to all meta creation. I had not begun to understand it as [i]void.[/i]"[/color] Nexus rose his hands and angled a small circular disk of energy towards Bruce, so that he could see into it. A picture of Nexus, much older than he appeared now, was shown, with him donning a blue lab coat while inside a sealed off, tiled room. [color=00aeef]"At the time, I didn't even know that Ki was a possibility. I didn't know that souls exist, that a limitless supply of energy existed within each and every living thing aside from the arcane. It wasn't I who made that discovery, either. It was my partner, Alexis."[/color] The picture flashed to a short woman, standing next to Nexus. Her long blue hair, and sapphire eyes, matched his. Nexus smiled, while the woman appeared with a neutral expression. [color=00aeef]"She'd somehow conceptualised Soul energy, even called it [i]Sey[/i] at the time of her discovery, and managed to contain it in a new type of magical energy. Now, I know it as [i]Arki,[/i] the foundation of creating new life."[/color] The picture then flashed back to Nexus, and Alexis, working on a mechanism that looked as if it was ripping a hold in the fabric of reality. [color=00aeef]"It took only a year, for use to reach some level of success. In that time, we'd done it. We'd created a stable portal to the void. Of course, as you might imagine, that did not go well for either of us. The accident that occurred, levelled half of our city. Hundreds died immediately, thousands more were corrupted, and suffered a more gruesome fate. After that, we were stripped of all authority, and our reputations were destroyed. Although our portal was stable, the resulting catastrophe was [i]thousands of times[/i] more destructive than... Earlier accidents. I escaped through luck alone. Alexis on the other hand, did not. She-"[/color] Nexus paused and clasped his head, letting the disc in his hands fade away. He opened his eyes wide and blinked, shaking the feeling of dismay from his body. [color=00aeef]"Well, she did not survive. I may have, but the resulting effects on my body were... Troublesome. If I had not read Alexis' notes so thoroughly in the past. I would have not been able to save myself from the same fate that many of my peers had met."[/color]