While all the regulars and those who’ve just dropped into try to nurse their drinks and think of some new way out of the problems they face into the bar steps a beautiful [url=https://pre00.deviantart.net/906f/th/pre/i/2016/302/8/3/re_zero__emilia_by_raikoart-damksf2.png]Playbeing[/url] who quickly finds a place to sit even asking for one of the cups of what passes as beer. Her hair is like translucent silver silk, her eyes a rich violet color, and her ears pinched into elven points so commonly desired of the exotic conversions; she is a work of art. And it is all that she is that makes her as out of place in the Sammie as an orchid on a scrap heap. Why would such a costly woman be doing here is the most logical conclusion any present should ask themselves before they study how they may benefit from her presence. She is a creature of rare value whose cost might soar as high as 12 million perhaps even 20 and as a Playbeing she has no more rights than the offense against her owner and if she’s her in the Downs likely a runaway as rare a chance as that might be; perhaps there is a finder’s fee?