[@ReusableSword][@Poi][@Polaris North][@Dnafein][@Joker892][@FortunesFaded] [center] [url=https://fontmeme.com/hello-goodbye-the-beatles-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170917/c1af34410a660245642cf5bcceb77ffa.png[/img][/url] [url=https://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2017/05/z1-bow-arrow-archery-girls-600-2.jpg?quality=85&strip=info&w=600]Picture[/url] [url=https://fontmeme.com/hello-goodbye-the-beatles-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170917/f3c70600d9322eabb679cfe254b7e556.png[/img][/url][/center] Jain struggles to keep the water she drank in her belly where it belonged and was grateful for James changing her bandage so she grants him a rare smile and even finds herself measuring the pretty blonde doctor as a man which helps distract her mind from how ill she feels. Then she turns to Maisy and takes a deep breath before speaking. [color=seagreen] “Commander Palmer and witnesses I now relinquish full command of the Expeditionary forces to you in light of my inability to command in my present chemically altered state asking that you prevent any further loss of life among our people and maintain our present situation till you have spoken with the Council and they relieve me of my responsibilities. Commander Trevor I place you as Maisy’s second in command and leave the disposition of the prisoner in question up to the two of you….[/color] Then she feels the warning as she dives for the bucket by her bed spewing her stomach contents which are as clear as the water she drank as she internally curses Summer’s entire bloodline curious if it is just her who once again suffers from the witches concoctions. When it is all over because of the lack of content to heave Jain looks up at these wonderful people all around her as tears flow from her eyes in a copious torrent. [color=seagreen]This should have never happened, and it is all my fault…..I…..I...never wanted this command and the proof I never deserved it is how many have died by my lack of understanding. I should just hang it all up and become a mommy, at least with kids it's not all about life and death[/color] too late she realises that the drugs Summer gave her have broken her self control and made her expose how emotionally hurt she is by the recent turn of events. She flings herself into her pillow and tries to muffle her sobs knowing she is now done having lost her people’s self respect.