Cassandra snerked a little when this new staff member shut the fight down before it could start, and she couldn't help but smile when he told them a Gunpla battle should never be about attacking some one personally. Another staff member said that due to tampering they where still trying to figure out the next stage of this, and in the mean time they where getting a free kit. One that can not be changed for any reason, so she figured it was going to be part of the classes. Once the lady stopped talking, and motioned to where they were to go to get there free kit. Cassandra just got up, and headed over, looking around the wide selection of kits. Nothing really caught her eye off the bat so she just ended up browsing a bit. Then she spotted the RX-0. The RG of it no less. She picked up the box and looked it over a bit. At first she was going to put it back down, didn't really need another kit with a super mode, then something flashed in her mind. Something her mom said about it once. [i]'The Unicorn Gundam, is one of the few units, far as I'm concerned with the most untapped potential, and no one seems to be even trying to see what it is fully capable of.'[/i] "The Beast of Possibility eh? Sure. Why not." Said to her self as she turned to the counter to make her choice official.