[color=82ca9d][b]Dr. Arthur West - Salem Church[/b][/color] Arthur was started by the sound of the gunshots and very nearly dropped the tray of medical supplies he was carrying when Steve had shot up about of his unconscious state, apparently delirious and potentially hallucinating, [i]“Sorry doctor I though the brotherhood..... never mind, it was just a Bad Dream.” [/i] Arthur rushed over to his beside and yanked the gun out of his hand. He popped the clip out and threw the gun off to the side, "That's quite enough of that," He said gruffly, "Good lord you might have shot me..." Arthur didn't have much time to contemplate too long on the fact that the man had apparently been imagining shooting Brotherhood soldiers, before Frieda came back carrying a wounded Brandy. The woman looked to be in a state of shock and had clearly suffered an attack from one of the deathclaw creatures, [i] "Her shoulder's bloodied up, I didn't really look at it," Frieda said to Arthur. "I found her in her basement. She was hiding, maybe? I honestly don't know. She had knocked down both shelves, whole place is a mess." [/i] He bent down to examine her, using his fingers to gently pry open her eyelids to examine her dilated pupils. As Frieda had pointed out, she had indeed gone into shock. Likely caused by both the stress of her encounter as well as the loss of blood. "Brandy? Its Dr. West...can you hear me?" Arthur asked. He reached for a small pocket light he had and pointed it to her eyes. He needed to check if perhaps the creature had bashed her head or if she'd fallen in the course of trying to escape from it. [i]Frieda took a shuddered breath. "She'll be okay, though, right? It's just a...like, a flesh wound?"[/i] "Its a nasty gash she got from that creature...but yes, she should be fine with proper treatment. I'll need to clean and examine her wound better as quickly as possible." Arthur quickly walked over and washed his hands thoroughly before throwing on a pair of latex gloves and grabbing some supplies including a long roll of bandages and antiseptic. Just then, Ace entered the Clinic as well, limping slowly and looking haggard and in pain, [i] "Oh my god... hey doc, is she going to be alirght?"[/i] Arthur took a glance down and saw blood running down Ace's arm. At first he thought perhaps his hand or wrist had been cut, but then quickly understood that Ace was clutching a wound on his stomach, "She'll be okay," he replied slowly and calmly, "But uh...why don't you have a seat over there Ace? Take it easy..." He walked over and helped him over to one of the Clinic's chairs. "Frieda, can you start treating Brandy? She may need a shot of Med-X to start...I need to take a look at Ace first and then I'll be right there." With a concerned face, Arthur then walked over to the wounded Ace. Gashes and cuts to the upper-body were one thing....but if Ace had taken a deep cut to his stomach he could potentially have organ damage. For all he knew...Ace was clutching his intestines right then and there. A man in shock could have walked that far on adrenaline alone. Upon closer examination, he breathed a sigh of relief when the cut wasn't nearly as bad as he'd feared, "You'll be fine Ace," He said, as he grabbed a nearby clean cloth and handed it to Ace, "You might need stitches but it didn't cut deep. Go ahead and use that to put pressure on the bleeding for now and I'll be right back. I need to take another look at Brandy...and...do you know if anyone else is hurt out there?" [color=007236][b] Zhelk - Outside Crater House [/b][/color] Zhelk leaned on his staff for support as he considered the Inquisitor's words. He closed his eyes and gave a deep sigh, "An unfortunate situation indeed if the Children of Atom attack the innocent without due cause. Only when we are provoked should violence be met with violence...but tell me brother, what proof do you have of these accusations? Who makes these claims, serious as they are? You must know as well as I that those not of our faith are often quick to condemn it...to shun us and even kill Brothers and Sisters without provocation...simply because we do the work of Atom. They fear what they do not understand...and they do not understand that it is only by supplication to The Glow that they might find salvation from this world..." The deformed monk lifted up a gnarled hand. Radioactive energy coursed through him and a small ball of holy green light emanated outwards, illuminating a small swathe of the landscape around them. "I would urge caution Inquisitor. We should not be so hasty in the persecution of our own. That said, if you are correct, and members of this congregation have been engaging in such unlawful acts...even against non-believers....then we should purge their heresy immediately. Their slanderous acts should offend any Child of Atom....for how might we preach Atom's words if we cannot speak to those who need to hear it most?"