[h3]The Throne of Bones[/h3][color=004b80]The Undertaker[/color] and [color=007236]The Ghoul[/color][hr][hr] It had been maybe an hour or so since Sheriff Hobbs sent his deputy out to try and collect some volunteers for the undertaker's investigation. In that time, Jeremiah took plenty of new complaints, most went ignored as his staff were stretched so terribly thin. It was making the young sheriff quite unpopular but what more could he do? This isn't what he signed up for and having this responsibility fall on him was unfair, and yet.. it felt like he was making a difference. Perhaps it was his youthful arrogance but this town is slowly figuring out how to manage. Then again... it has only been a week. Jeremiah stepped away to relieve himself and for a bit of fresh air, returning to his office to find two new visitors. Complaints? No. One had a bit more robust appearance while the other... well let's just say he was younger than Jeremiah and didn't quite like the look of his cut. [color=f7941d]"'Cuse me boys."[/color] Jeremiah interuptted whatever conversation they were having as he passed by them to reach his desk. A half ironic word choice considering he was probably right in between their respective ages but he did have authority. [color=f7941d]"What do you fellas want?"[/color] Jeremiah asked curtly, half paying attention as he found his chair and dug into the one of his drawers from some chewing tobacco. Sticking a dab of fresh tobacco in and tossing the can of chew aside, he leaned back in his chair to take stock of the two in front of him. The way these boys were outfitted made the sheriff remember about the undertaker's situation. [color=f7941d]"Oh. The undertaker's contract. [/color] Jeremiah leaned further back in his chair, so much so that he caught himself before falling back. Slightly embarrassed he leaned forward, turning to spit in the spittoon that sat by his desk. [color=f7941d]"You know where the graveyard is? The undertaker is there, having a whole mess of trouble with some graverobbers. I ain't gonna lie to you, the whole thing reeks of something unusual. A hundred bodies, dug up, and bones taken without a bump in the night. Undertaker says he's never seen anything like it and I bet'cha it goes beyond some superstition. So the job will be dangerous and I ain't trying to scare ya away, just leveling with ya. John is a good man but some say his head went south after.. well never mind. Anyway, if you boys are gonna take him up, I'm sure he'd appreciate the extra manpower." [/color] Jeremiah turned and spat a bit more tobacco into his spittoon. [color=f7941d]"If you don't know where the cemetery is, just look for the bell tower of the church, or more specifically, the billowing tower of smoke. Best cover your noises."[/color] Jeremiah gave them both a wink. Sometime ago, John had started that mound of bodies on fire. The smoke could be seen well off for awhile now and the stink of bodies burning was driving quite a few from prayer in church.