Raiya wasn't certain as to what exactly happened, but she surmised that Travis had concocted a specific runic formula that prevented the one who was cursed with it from controlling their flow of mana. Almost like some sort of sealing technique. She also couldn't shake a sinking suspicion that somehow Felix was involved in this. Not that she didn't trust Travis's expertise when it came to runes and magic theory, but something about this felt advanced, arch-magi level advanced. Raiya picked herself up from the ground and began to walk towards the group. Raiya noticed that Stockton had grown desperate, as he pulled out a dagger and charged Zuri with it. Raiya rushed in, exerting what little stamina she had to get in between Zuri and Stockton, quickly stepping into his zone of effectiveness. As soon as she stepped within his close quarters combat bounds, she used her right hand to push Stockton's knife-hand away from it's trajectory, the knife harmlessly swiping the air next to Raiya and Zuri. Then Raiya crouched down and swept Stockton's feet, which would knock him to the ground. As the team members gathered around the desperate Stockton, Raiya wearily stood up from her crouched position, [color=ec008c]"Good job. I assume that you used some sort of advanced rune to prohibit his magic flow? I'm not sure how you did it but you have my congratulations. However, I have the rest from here,"[/color] Raiya said in a weak voice. [color=ec008c][i]'Perhaps I could let them take him out, but killing someone isn't something that I would recommend anyone do if they are not already a killer, plus I hate this guy, I want to be the one to take him out.'[/i][/color] Raiya thought. Raiya, by this time had regained enough mana to summon her sashimi knife from her manainventory. [color=ec008c]"It's over, Stockton, your opponent is me. Pick your pathetic sack of bones off of the floor and face me."[/color] She stated as she took her crouched attack stance.