[CENTER][H2][b][color=slategray]Season 2 - E P I S O D E I: A Traitor Among Us[/color][/b][/H2][/CENTER] [img]http://i.imgur.com/IvEVKFN.png[/img] Lara’s body aced with a soreness, she would only let show, when she was alone. She needed to be strong on absolutely every level. The world looked at her for support. Also, this mess was on her. When you got super hearing and X-Ray vision there are no excuses to get surprised. The time Lara hadn’t spend moving rubble and debris, she had used to practice her kickboxing stances. Sleep could come when the world felt safe and warm again. Now it had become time to carry something else on her tired shoulders. Something even heavier than what had come before... Lara approached the League's mainframe, and there was a second before it started up. A few moments where there was nothing, but her reflecting. Wearing her new, more theatrical costume, she took a thorough look at herself: A white, fire-proof fabric covered her body, with a high collar and only her bare, tattooed arms showing. The intricate details very much resembled the pattern her father used to wear. Time would tell if it could resist as much impact as she had been told it could. Even in darkened places the emblem seemed to reflect just a bit of light, drawing attention to the [i]S[/i]. [color=f7976a]“Bring up the bios, please,”[/color] Lara told the computer and watched as the touchscreen displayed the names of the people current members of the Justice League. It was an uncomfortable thought: To think one of her friends had betrayed them. Betrayed the world. And there was one in particular, she imagined doing it. [color=f7976a]“Don’t jump to conclusions,”[/color] she ordered herself. [color=f7976a]“Just because he acts like he wants to prove himself, just because he’s the opposite of you, that doesn’t make him guilty. It’s rarely the obvious choice; the one who could most easily avoid detention. The one who could get away with anything. Unseeable, uncatchable.”[/color] Removing her gaze from Kid Flash’s bio, she tried to shake last night’s dream from her mind. The one where she was standing on a scorched planet. The smoldering fire reflected in a man’s shining bald head. [b][color=7ea7d8]“You have become death,”[/color][/b] he told her. [b][color=7ea7d8]“The destroyer of worlds. And now, we are all sons of bitches.”[/color][/b] In an act of contempt Lara shook her head and returned to the real world. She told herself she was in control. Of her life. Of her powers. Looking at the kryptonian writing on her arms helped sell that message.