Rated 18+ for gore and murder. Sexual themes are discouraged, this is generally a nonerotic story. But graphic depictions of violence and torture are an aspect of the planned story. Is there no way to survive in a cruel world? Where mothers and fathers eat their children so they won't starve. Where brothers will send each other to the gallows just for a bit of gold or prestige. This kingdom is falling fast. The king and his family are insane, the advisors are greedy backstabbers only interested in their own feeble power. What say you? Will you join our fight? Join in a rebellion today! Take the power back from a useless pig of a leader to shape the future of your people. A decent chunk of the story has already been planned out, however, the maps and exact factions are still being fleshed out. The Ouroborus A group of cannibalistic mages who will eat the flesh of their enemies to gain power, knowledge, and new forms. Theyhave several agents already hidden through the Kingdom. The Veiled ones A desert tribe that is at odds with the Ouroboros and the Kingdom, who is siding with the Ouroborus temporarily to get rid of the kingdom. The Kingdom The royal elite already in power, a corrupt selfish group of men and women who are slowly destroying their people, and their kingdom. The Guilds The various guilds throughout the lands, crumbling as they each join different factions or split because some go to one and the rest to another. Except for the Vanguard. The Vanguard A guild of warriors dedicated to protecting the royal throne, in this time of upheaval they have never been more needed. If this RP gets off of the ground, I'll be looking for people to play characters throughout the various factions and in different positions. Currently, there are openings for the leaders of major factions (all factions are playable.) As well as various characters in different lower positions. People who play as the leaders CAN RP for the entire faction they lead, though if they do a poor job they CAN be ousted. People in lower positions can scheme, murder, and work their ways to positions of power, but they must remember it will be a long hard slog to the top. This is in the state of infancy, while the story is semi-complete just missing the characters to influence it, the physical shape of the world, a decent chunk of the geopolitical climate and the finalized names for the factions and kingdom haven't been chosen. This is going to take a while before we get the RP rolling. Right now I am certain it will take about 2-3 weeks before I get the maps were done (And I'm a crappy artist so I admit that even when they do come out they will not be the best.) But I am not putting that much effort into this if I don't see much reason to. I.e. I get no one interested I am not going to attempt to create the setting further. Finally, this will hopefully be a long-running RP as I have three major arcs planned out. The rise, the plateau, and stagnation. These will be seperate threads, and hopefully we'll be able to gain new players each go around. This story is one that CAN allow for new players at any time, however the group can't get to big at any one time, so keep that in mind. Further notes: There are supernatural creatures to some extent in this world. They ARE playable, however, intelligent ones are limited to just a few players, and most importantly they are considered to be second-class citizens. So if you are interested in playing that character you MUST be prepared to deal with IC racism.