The phone kept ringing for a solid 3 minutes before Brooks’ attention was shifted towards the mysterious and persistent caller just into his night shift. Three minutes is a long time when you're sat alone in a small office in the dark. He continued to glare at it, irritation turning to disbelief as the ringing persisted. It was only a matter of time before every ring, and appropriately timed pause of silence before the next one, caused him to physically flinch from frustration. It was the Sheriff's -personal- phone, and the last thing he wanted to do was butt into the guy's private affairs. Was it an emergency? Did something happen to the sheriff and his own number was the only thing he had time to call? Brooks, being the irritable man that he was, could only stand it for so long. He stood up in a seething fit of annoyance and stomped his way angrily towards the device, picking it up with equal harshness and almost barking down the other end. “Sheriff Cart-” was all he'd manage to get out before being interrupted by a deep voice from the other end. “Missing? Look we got an actual police line for this, if it's the sheriff you're lookin’ for he's not in till tomorrow.” Brooks stood in the dark and in silence as the muffled noise of the callers voice filled the sheriff's office room, replying to him. “Right. Ahuh. Okay. Can I have your name please? Thank you. I'll be there in thirty, please wait patiently.” He shut the phone back in its place, sighed audibly and left the sheriff's office, closing the door behind him and snatching his jacket off the hanger by the door. He had strict orders not to do this exact thing but he was feeling defiant, and just didn't care enough about consequences for something potentially interesting to happen, it -had- been a while. Just as Brooks was about to leave the door his line started ringing, with furrowed brows he approached it cautiously before lifting it up to his ear. “Hello? Deputy Lockwood speaking.” He paused, listening carefully. “Oh hey sweetheart. Everything alright?” He eased up, glad it was just Abigail instead of another surprise. “Oh dear… alright we'll talk about it tomorrow morning if you're heading to sleep. And check behind the mirror In my bath we got a small kit there you can use.” “Yeah, sorry sweetie. I won't be home for a few more hours. Same old same old.” he put the phone down as soon as Abigail ended her call. The car ride towards the hotel was filled with curiosity, his mind racing ahead of itself before reeling back into reality, and assuming the outcome to be as realistic as possible. Even with the “ban” on the hotel and the seemingly calm and collected voice of caller, this was Kansas. He had gotten used to mundane issues. With another deep sigh Brooks exited his patrol car, slamming his door shut and approaching and entering the front door of the suddenly suspicious looking hotel.